Chapter Twenty-Six

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I see as police surround the place, I slip by and lean seeing guards walk back and forth. I check my watch device and watch the time go down as I wait in place. I watch the morning sun rise, as I use my grapple to fly up. I follow the suns motion, as I land on the second floor balcony. I watch the bodies on the ground, the blood filling the carpet. I step over them, making sure my coat stays connected to my body. 

I quickly hear footsteps, I hold up my pistol, pressing my back into a wall. As the woman turns in, I aim my pistol at her head. She quickly raises her arms in defeat.

"You're not supposed to be here." I state, she tries to get a good look at me. "Unrecognized to the white house employee's I'm guessing."

"Same for you as well." I smirk at her witty response.

"How about this, I don't blow your brains out--but you don't blow mines either. We pretend we didn't see each other, and carry on with our personal missions." She nods, as I slowly move the gun, she walks forwards as I pass by her.

The sun fully appears as a helicopter passes by, I curse under my breath and go into the nearest room. I shut the door and wait, seeing more people burst through the front entrance. I sigh and decide to stay idle. I quickly take off my coat, revealing and back dress with a leg slit. Before leaving the room I grab a file with a pen, I release my bun, making sure a slick ponytail is to be seen.

I slip into the main lobby, seeing the familiar red jacket. I squint my eyes and see a man walking with her. I clear my throat and see a woman walking my direction, I steal her badge and clip it onto my chest.

"He's not here...I'm sorry--but I have another appointment." The man separate from her, as I swoop her arm to intertwine with mine. 

"What--Y/N....? You--you're here!?" I step in front of her.

"Claire, I'm going to need you to lower your voice." I say with stress, she hugs me tight. 

"How are you?" I cut her off as I scan the room behind her.

"Long story--now I need to find a specific room--I heard the virus is here." She raises a brow as she scoffs.

"You're here to steal it for Wesker aren't you!?" I shake my head. "Then explain why you need to know where it is."

"Let's just say Wesker and I are split, I work for me now." She looks around us, as I get closer to her. "The it like the one in Raccoon City?" She opens her mouth but scared to speak.

"Listen--" I hear my name being called, I turn seeing Leon Kennedy staring at me.

"Claire meet up with me later, I have to run." I try to walk away, but Claire grabs my arm in a rush.

"Don't--we're still not done, I'm not letting you exit my sight without a reason you need the virus in your hands." I watch as another man follows Leon, my cover can't be exposed.

"Claire..." I angrily mutter.

"Y/'re here?" I sigh and turn my body to him, giving him my full attention.

"Nice to see you again Leon." I say as he scans my whole appearance. My watch beeps, I look down to see my time being wasted. "Next time we'll talk." I quickly walk feeling his hand on my forearm. 

"Let's make that next time start now." I look up at him, as he stares down at me. "Talk."

"I'm here for the virus, I heard the outbreak has something connected to Raccoon City." Claire pulls out her file and opens it to an image of a war six years ago.

Leon and I look at it, seeing the similarities in the atmosphere or at least the death. My eyes wander, seeing the faces, the look in the eyes of those people. My heart speeds up, remembering that was the day I decided to be on my own. My first kill--I met Leon, Claire, and Sherry. It was the first time I got Albert Wesker himself.

"Something is definitely here, something I wasn't aware of." I state out of anger, Claire closes the file.

"Meaning?" Leon asks, I bite my lip and look at Claire.

"Leon. Clock's ticking, let's move." A tall man says, walking by the three of us. Our eyes meet as he continues to walk, as he disappears behind Leon is when I notice the tension.

"Do you two know each other?" Claire says, as she leans forward to watch him leave the building.

"No, but I'm guessing we will." I look at my watch, seems like I'll be seeing Leon more. "I've got to run. Claire you have my contact, I just sent it. Seriously if anything happens, give me a call." She smiles as I nod towards her, I snap off the badge and give it Leon. I release my hair and rip away the dress long-sleeves. 

"Y/N--" I look at Leon as I pass him the fake files I took. "Don't leave like this." 

"Goodbye Leon, see ya around. Also, the outfit doesn't suit you...I like the leather jacket more." I wink and toss the pen towards him, I spin around and quickly walk away.

"Y/N!" I smirk knowing the message I have left for him on the file.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt