Chapter Two

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"The town bombing, and Leon's father wants revenge. These past years, I've been fighting him, on and off. I wanted to stay away from everyone I knew, since Stella was killed by him. He's using you all as bait for me, waiting til I bite." I scoff and shake my head, I then stand up fully straight. 

"Is that the reason you disappeared?" Leon asks me, looking up, I nod. 

"Now, we're in deep shit, because of me..." Leon opens his mouth only for me to cut him off. "I have to go, who knows if he's watching." I turn only for Chris to block my path, placing a hand on my shoulder from stopping me. 

"Geez, both of you acting like brats, Y/N come here." I shove Chris arm away again, and walk past him. Rebecca pulls out a syringe gun, I take off my jacket and offer my arm. "Your blood, what does it have besides residue of the Las Plagas parasite." 

"Healing factor, like Sherry Birkin--" I turn and face Leon. "Some may call it a vampire trait." I sarcastically aim towards Leon, while aggressively putting my jacket back on. Leon looks down, as Sherry packs everything away. Rebecca excuses herself and goes to the restroom. 

"You were on the news, escaping from the town weren't you?" Chris says, crossing his arms, I walk up to him and look up at him. 

"It either a really good guess, or you're a psychic." I walk past and go over back to my chair, plopping myself down pissed. "It was me, my father sent his men to the town I was staying at." 

"So, he's on a witch hunt for you, using others as a team." I nod and raise my finger up to my nose, hitting it. I wink and aim my index at him, indicating he's right. 

A man comes rushing in, looking terrified for his life. Leon runs up to him, saying a unfamiliar name. He grabs him, pinning him to the wall. Chris quickly walks over, as I finally get up, coming to him. I go around and see Leon punch the man in the stomach, I then hit his shoulder away.

"Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!" He then starts pointing at the man in pain.

"He's the one who ratted me out. What do you want?!" He pleads, talking about his family, as Leon scares him. We all widen our eyes, hearing him say a bio-terrorist attack. Chris then picks him, up by the collar, pinning him against the wall again. 

"You're leading us to Glen Arias, name ring a bell?" He asks the scared man.

"How'd you know?" The man voice shakes, as he responds, Chris then looks over to me.

"I'm psychic." Chris then looks to the man again with a smirk, I catch Leon's eye, seeing him look back to the man. Leon then confronts the man, I turn and focus on the window, staring at how peaceful and silent it is outside. I suddenly hear a black truck drive through, stopping at the left. We all turn and stare outside, as I squint seeing my fathers logo on the truck.

"'s my father's logo." We stay silent, until a huge man hops out the truck with a huge gun. We then turns and aims it at the window, I panic and start flipping furniture. "Get down!" I yell, feeling Leon pull me down on the floor with him. I grunt from the sudden impact, his arm over my stomach, I turn seeing him lay on his stomach. 

"Holy Shit!" Chris yells, trying to protect himself and the man.

"He was followed!" Leon shouts, I sit up a bit.

"We both were!" I yell over the bullets, I turn and peek out seeing a familiar blonde hair girl, she's carrying a body. 

"Rebecca!" Chris yells, the bullets then stop, as they all slowly go back into the truck. Chris and I slide out and stand, holding our pistols close. We watch as the vehicle drives away. Leon then slowly rises and approaches Chris and I.

"What do they want with Rebecca? Bait?" I shake my head.

"No, my father would want me to find her dead, or kill her in front of me. Glen Arias is the one that wants her." I say, staring out to where they left. 

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang