Chapter Thirty

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I quickly kick the mans stomach, he bursts through the doors. I angrily grab his neck, and bring him over to Leon. Leon holds another man at gunpoint as the same woman is found. An old man is with her, with his hands raised. Shen May flinches forward, I raise the man and hold the knife to his neck.

"Try it." I state coldly, pressing the blade deeper.

"Start talking." Leon follows. "Whenever you're ready."

"The man lying here Jun See. He's my little brother--the US government turned him into this!" She yells, veins popping out of her neck.

"What are you and Jason up to?" Leon asks, as the boy behind the curtain bed sheets struggles to breathe. 

"Like he told you before...we're trying to expose the conspiracy--trying to get proof that Secretary Wilson is the one behind it." I slowly looks at Leon, as we exchange glares.

"The president's second man...." I slowly drop my grip.

"Wilson, a major general at the time, was the commanding officer. But he was also working with a pharmaceutical company, making bio-organic weapons to use on the field." I drop the man and push him forward, I slowly disarm my knife and aim it down.

"The image Claire showed us, it was the battlefield." I walk over to Leon, he tugs at my clothing.

"It was a test-run...just like Raccoon City." He gently tells me. "Son of a bitch." He releases my arm and sighs in defeat.

"He got promotion after it, for honoring his hero's and all." I jokingly say sarcastically. "Wilson started the white house and submarine outbreak." Leon and I step forward leaning over the curtain. The young boy is deformed, and dying slowly. 

"After six years of digging, we found all of the prototype soldier had chips in their bodies. We managed to get it, all the evidence is here." She unlocks a safe and grabs a small, singular chip.

"If word got out, he would be ruined--I mean seriously ruined..." I cross my arms, as she nods at my correct statement.

"We want to put an end to Wilson and the development of bio-weapons forever." I feel a spark light up in me. A world without these horrific creatures--I would be normal, I would be free.

"I'm in." I state stepping forward. "A world without these things, is a world I would give anything for." Leon steps forward, I turn seeing him across the room.

Before he could get a word out, the roof caves in. We all separate as it crushes her men, I feel a body tackle me to the ground. I manage to stand up, and cover my head as the roof continues to fill the room. I stand with Leon seeing the girls grandfather and brother stuck in the room. I run over to get Shen May until Leon holds me back.

"Shen May--Her Grandfather--her brother!!" I shout over the destruction of their home. Leon cups my face on both sides, making me look at him.

"We have to go now!" I shake furiously looking back at them. "Go! Please!" He pushes me out the room, I fall back watching him stuck in there. A fire breaks out beside me, smoke fills the room as I struggle to escape. I cough and feel the strength of the compression of the filthy air. I trip and push the front door, I fall outside and lay on my back. The grass under me provides comfort as everything goes dark and my hearing lowers. Two figures come into view I reach up and have a hand take in mine. 

"L-Leon." I struggling to get out.

"What is it? Y/N!?" I point at the house.

"The fire, the smoke." Shen May states, my body is lifted as I feel Leon use himself as a rest for me. "Grandfather!! Jun See!!" She shouts running towards the house, Leon gently lays me down and chases after her. 

I regain my sight but see two masked men grab my arms and legs, I struggle to kick them away as they hit my head. Before I can yell for Leon Kennedy, I felt myself dead. 

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Where stories live. Discover now