Chapter Thirteen

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My eyes slowly open, I turn looking around, I lay my head on Leon's chest. He breaths more heavily as I watch his left arm go behind his head. He was awake.

"Can't keep your hands away." He lowly states.

"Funny, coming from the person who ended things." He blows air out from his mouth, making a O shape. "So, how many girls did you sleep with?" He raise his head a bit, shocked I asked.

"You never ask a man that question." I chuckle. "Why do you want to know?" I turn and lay on my stomach, turning my face towards him.

"You have needs, and obviously I couldn't fulfill them, and well you know who to blame for that." He shakes his head, looking down at me, making my eyes scroll to his muscles, seeing his abs flex.

"So, did you fill your needs then?" He asks with a smirk.

"Well, no. 24/7 fighting my father, so I couldn't fit that in my schedule." I say tracing his skin, following my finger, he lowly laughs a bit. "You're acting like I didn't wanted to get railed, or pounded, especially with the anger I had...that would've been rough." My eyes look up, seeing his eyes full of lust. "Sucks that we're broken up though." I click my tongue and start to get up, only to get pulled back down.

"Glad you found humor." I get close to him. "No." He pulls me away from him, I stare at him confused. "Following a lady's lead, just isn't my style." He then gets up, leaving me alone on the bed. 

I groggily get out of bed, I walk out seeing Leon doing something in the kitchen. He turns around placing amug down, pouring coffee into it. I walk over grabbing the cup, blowing on the top before taking a sip. I look outside to the balcony, seeing the hot tub staring back at me. Leon fully turns around as I take another sip, I set down the coffee, I look up as Leon lays on the kitchen cabinet taking a sip of his. 

I go over to the closet, taking out a towel for myself. I slip off my pants and walk past the kitchen. I slide the glass door, and walk out seeing the hot tub, I pull down the curtains all around the balcony. I place the towel on the chair, and slowly creep into the water, I fully dunk my body and enjoy the heat. I watch Leon step outside after 30 minutes, taking a dip in with me. 

"Back then at Raccoon City, was your father the cause of you running?" I snap my head towards him, confused of the sudden personal attack. 

"He was part of the reason, the other part was my mother. Abusive parents are the worst, but they taught me how to be strong, especially during the outbreak at that time." I laugh at the past, as I stretch my neck by looking up.

"Why do you have your shirt on?" I look down with an arched brow, I then undo the buttons on the white t-shirt, I toss it over the hot tub hearing it splatter. "Come here." He says, raising fingers, signaling me to approach. I move over and he picks me up, placing me over his lap. 

He leans in, we kiss once again, this time it's actually going somewhere. My hand goes on his cheek, but he quickly grabs it away, placing his lips on my neck. I groan inside my throat as he creates hickies all around my neck. I watch as he separates, taking a look at the dark spots, he wipes his lip watching it faint away.

"That isn't fair." He jokingly says as it disappears.

"Healing blood would do that to ya." I say smirking, he then comes in closes kissing my lips again. His arm reaches around, clasping my bra, I feel him undoing each clip, I hold his arm to stop. "We're really gonna do it in a hot tub?"

"Too late to change my mind." He states taking off my bra completely. His lips trail down to my collar bone, leaving little bites. I back away, sliding off my panties, and tossing it out. "It's been awhile." I nod as he kisses me again.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang