Corvus: And we are here on behalf of Thanos. The Savior.

Sam: You call that guy a savior? He wants to kill half the universe.

Proxy: So that the other half can prosper. Give us the Stone.

Sam clenched it in his hand as he backed up.

Sam: Not a chance.

Robbie slowly pushed himself back up. How did they hurt him that bad in his Spirit of Vengeance Form? Robbie dashed toward the two attacker but was caught by Proxy. She held him up by his throat as she smiled.

Proxy: The Devil. I've heard about you. I thought you would be more a challenge.

She then threw Robbie away but he caught himself and threw his chain. To his surprise, Corvus caught it and smirked. He then pulled on it which pulled Robbie right to him. Corvus kicked his shoulder so that he was facinga away before he tied the chain around Robbie's neck.

Sam: Robbie!

As he powered up, Corvus kicked Robbie's back. As if the world began to move in slow motion, Robbie's chain snapped as it nearly broke his neck. Across the room, Sam powered up to his Black Nova Form, only for Proxy to throw her spear. Robbie's eyes widened in horror as the spear hit Sam and sent him flying back. Robbie rolled to a stop as time resumed to normal.

Robbie: What was that?

He tried to push himself up but blood quickly filled his throat as he coughed it up. He slowly turned his head to see Sam. The boy looked down at his hand to find the Stone gone. He then slowly looked down at the spear that had impaled him and stuck him on the wall. Proxy slowly walked over and grabbed his helmet before pulling it off, returning Sam to his human form.

He immediately threw up quite a bit of blood as his body grew limp. He shakily looked up to Robbie. Robbie watched as the life slowly drained from his eyes.

Robbie: Sam? Sam! You bastards!

Corvus: What is this?

Robbie became coated in his flames, but something was different. His body was lighter and his wounds began to heal. Even outside the vault, everyone felt the sudden change in power.

Tandy: What is that?

Danny: I don't know. I can see Robbie's aura leaking through the doors.

Robbie slowly stood up as he began to growl. The blood that was resting on his lip was quickly taken care of as his fkames grew even more. Sam watched as Robbie's entire body turned to bone and large, sharp horns appeared on his head. The flames were no longer orange or blue. They were white. Pure white. Angelic white. Wings suddenly appeared from behind the Rider as his eyes landed on the two attackers.

Ghost Rider: You have sinned. You will repent.

Just like that, he vanished before appeared in front of Proxy. Before she could even react, Robbie smacked her away which ended up with her crashing through the wall, right into the Earth surrounding the vault. Corvus quickly picked up the Stone and made a run for it, but Robbie just laughed. In his hand, a golden chain appeared.

He threw it and watched as it wrapped around Corvus. With a sadistic smile, Robbie pulled on the chain, and watched as he was torn in two. He then turned back to Proxy, only to find her with the Stone. Though she was badly beaten, she still manged to raise her arm.

Proxy: Get me back!

Robbie: I'm not done with you!

Before his chain could reach her, she vanished. Robbie looked around the room but didn't find any trace of her. He slowly powered down and turned to Sam. He rushed over to him and looked at his wound. It was bad.

Robbie: No no no no!

Tandy: Robbie? Sam?

Robbie: Down here! Hurry!

He turned back to Sam as he tried to put pressure on the wound.

Robbie: It's ok. You're gonna be ok.

The others reached the bottom and saw the wreckage in the vault. They then spotted Robbie and Sam.

Tandy: No.

They all rushed over and Danny pulled the spear from the wall in an attempt to help Sam down. As Danny and Robbie sat the boy down, Doreen looked around.

Doreen: Where's the Stone?

Robbie: They took it! We need to focus on Sam! We need to do something!

Danny: My chi can't heal this. I don't think we can get him help in time.

Robbie: We have to do something damnit!

He stopped when he felt someone grab his hand. He turned back to see Sam smiling as blood dripped from his mouth.

Sam: Looks like, I, messed up.

Danny: No. You did great. You got us here.

Sam: And, I lost, the Stone.

He tried to laugh but he only coughed up more blood.

Tandy: Just, save your strength. Don't talk.

Sam just shook his head.

Sam: Look, at me. I ain't, making, it outta, here.

He then looked up in pain.

Sam: Molly, is gonna, kick my ass.

Robbie grabbed his hand with both of his as tears formed in his eyes.

Robbie: Yeah. She, She is.

Sam: I, really, love her. You know?

Robbie: Yeah. I know. Go ahead and rest now buddy. We'll take it from here.

Sam smiled as he looked at his friends.

Sam: You, better...

Silence filled the room. Robbie clenched Sam's lifeless hand as Doreen and Tandy began to cry over their lost comrade. Danny closed his eyes and said a silent prayer. Robbie slowly lifted Sam's body as they began to leave the vault.

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