|29| Time of Scars

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Months crawl by with many wheelchair racing sessions, soft kisses and strenuous physical therapy for Jeno's legs. He was able to walk, but with added difficulty — his legs had begun healing improperly while he was in the custody of Seventeen. Each bit of progress was met with happy smiles and warm encouragement from all of his members.

Step by step, Jeno made his way down the stairs to the kitchen with his fluffy guardian at his side. The walk was slow with the permanent limp, he only found it more serene and relaxing. He was finally able to take his world at his pace after the weeks of living hell with an incontrollable pace to the lazy yet difficult road to recovery. The fluorescent overhead lights glowed softly against the walls, their shine outmatched by the sun up ahead which pried its bright gaze through the wall of windows.

His short reprieve of peace and quiet was soon destroyed by Chenle's boisterous squawking. Fondness curled in whisps at the corners of his mouth, a gentle knowing grin lighting up his features. Sighing softly with a shake of his head the half-blonde-half-brunette male hurried his steps. The dark walnut flooring was cold beneath his bare feet, without the suns warmth they lacked heat which sent minuscule shivers up his spine. Knots and lines of fresh pink scar tissue peaking out beneath the hem of Jeno's sleep pants as he walked.

The male had made a remarkable recovery physically, but his mental recovery couldn't have the same said about it. It would take years before he chipped away at the horrible memories that haunted him at night. He knew that he had all of the love and support he could ask for, his members were understanding and patient. However, he hadn't seen any of them go to the lengths Chenle has to help him — his guiding light through dark murky waters, his fear of the occurrences lessened whenever in his presence.

Chenle, the ever flickering flame unwilling to be snuffed out even in the midst of thunderous rain storms, only to return to the boy who was lost in the disarray unguided and fearful. Persistent and strong, his flames licked and gnashed their teeth at Jeno's fear. Kind and warm was his colors and hues of love and affection, so open and willing to shelter him each night. A guardian in the night while Jeno slept, awake and quick to attend to him after his night terrors. Chenle, the love of his life.

Speaking of the brunette, he came waddling over with a glass of water in hand. His fluffy hair was pushed back from his face, the edges damp with sweat from cooking. Swipes of coco powder, sugar and flour plastered the front of his clothes and face. The coco powder looked like freckles across his cheeks. Spending weeks being cooped up in the base led him to hang out with Doyoung in the kitchen. Hours spent baking cookies, and many other confectionaries led to sugar thrumming through the base like a heartbeat — this gained many complaints from the few members who aren't overly fond of stomachaches and cavities.

"Good morning, Nono."

Jeno gratefully took the glass of water from Chenle, sipping at its contents while watching his boyfriend closely. "You look like you just came from the first baking world war." The taller male swiped his thumb over the powdered sugar on the younger's cheek.

Smiling over the rim of his glass he leaned forward pressing a soft kiss to his companions lips. Jeno swept past him, trekking further into the kitchen with his large canine companion and boyfriend hot on his heels.

Rounding the corner Jeno stifled a laugh at the sight of the kitchen — which looks a powder bomb went off, the counters coated in fine dusting of brown, and varying shades of white. Chenle bumped his shoulder with his own, scowling at the twinkling mischief in Jeno's eyes, lips tugging up in a smirk behind teeth bitting into his lower lip to muffle his laugh.

Doyoung sat at the counter scrolling through his phone as he waited for the cookies to be done. He hummed to himself  leaning into Taeyong's side showing him something cute. The two quietly laughed at a video on the younger's phone.

Jeno smiled at them as he ventured further in to perch next to his parental figures. Setting the glass of water down in front of him he swiped his fingers through the powder sugar and coco, the movement cut round lines into the dusting.

Soft sighs and the clinking of dishes and splashes of water filled the area. The room glowed with contentment, happiness bursting at the seams like sunlight filtering through the wooden slats of blinds. Chenle cleaned the bowls and utensils they used to combine the cookie dough, sponge and soap cleared the sticky chocolate mixture from the plastic bowls.

Tamo sat next to Jeno, his large fluffy white tail sweeping across the floor in large arcs. The puppy rested it's head onto his owners lap, happily panting with raised ears as it peered up at him. He closed his eyes when gentle fingers ran through his soft coat. Jeno mindlessly pet his dog, sipping at his water and listening to every sound in the kitchen.

Chocolate wafted about the room in a thick and cloying blanket, warmth filled the area while the oven baked the cookies sitting on a metal sheet. The four stayed remotely silent, paired off into their own little worlds. Damp hands clasped Jeno's free hand, fingers intertwining with gentle affection.

Jeno looked past his mop of unruly blonde and brown hair to see Chenle already smiling at him — his heart found the sight immeasurable, soft curve of the perfectly kissable peach lips, love dancing beneath the coffee brown iris'. Sending his signature eye smile in return, the corners of his eyes scrunching from the force of his smile. He quietly watched Chenle's face, noticing every shift in his expression, the emotions swirling behind his eyes.

Leaning into the younger he wrapped an arm around his waist, gently pulling him into him. Chenle pulled one hand away to thumb over the cross inked on the two-tones male's cheek.

"Hi." Chenle whispered through his grin, hand cupping his partners face.

Jeno hummed softly, eyes holding contact with the brunette's. He brought their intertwined hands to press against the back of Chenle's hand. Turning his head he pressed a gentle kiss the palm of the boy's hand.

Their soft moment was broken by the familiar tang of iron in the air, the stench cutting through the sweet chocolate smell of the cookies. The four men in the kitchen groaned from the smell, already knowing who it was.

Light footsteps entered the room, happy hums trailing with the smell of blood. Peering over his shoulder Jeno saw a very sweaty Yuta splattered in blood and drywall dust. The Japanese male approached Jeno ruffling the younger male's hair, "How ya doin bud?"

"You stink, go take a shower." Jeno scrunched his nose from the sting of iron filling his nose.

Yuta pushed out his lower lip, pouting in faux hurt. "I missed you too. Fiiine, I'll leave you alone lover boy." With his final statement the white haired male flicked Jeno on the forehead with a cat-like grin. He ran off before Jeno could hit him for the nickname.

His cheeks flushed red when Jeno noticed Doyoung, Taeyong and Chenle giving him knowing smiles. Ducking his head, the ex-assassin peered down at Tamo only for him to see the same pointed look — who would've thought dogs could be judge mental.

Almost the end my babies, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. It's a nice reprieve from the heavy stuff that happened early on. I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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