|6| Child-Proof Racing

745 36 90

Warning: scenes of sexual assault and abuse


"No!" Cracked a fragile shakey voice, the little boy was kicking his legs as tears streamed down his face.

The small frail frame trembled like a leaf, his eyes glistened with fresh tears and terror. He couldn't understand why this was happening, why was she doing this to him. Jeno swung his arms out at the woman holding him down, legs kicking her in the gut. His effort seemed to have zero effect, he couldn't get free.

Dread and terror siezed his whole being, his brain couldn't decipher the situation.


The woman's palm came down hard across Jeno's face, his head cracked against the tiled floor of the kitchen. Jeno's surroundings swam, ears ringing, his shouts had been silenced from the deafening hit to his face. He could taste the blood welling in his mouth, the blood rising to his face warmed his shivering body.

"Hold still, you little brat." With that demanded she tugged on his clothes, tearing the shirt off.

Slowly regaining control of his body and brain, Jeno swung his hands out. His nails clawed across her face, blood beading at the scratches. Her eyes darkened, her hands reached for Jeno's pants, ripping them off before she went to touch him.

A strangled cry left Jeno, "No! Mom, stop please I'm sorry." Sobs heaved through the traumatized boy, tears cascading down his mottled face.

Jeno sat up, heaving for breath tears streaming down his face. Tamo had crawled closer, laying next to his human, eyes full of worry at hearing the soft pleading cries leaving Jeno's lips. Whimpering, Tamo nudged Jeno and placed his head on Jeno's lap. 

The memories flashed through Jeno's head, the sadistic and cruel sneer of his mother's face burned into the inside of his eyelids. Rubbing at the tears, Jeno pulled Tamo into his lap, hugging him close breathing in the soft freshly washed puppy scent. In his attempt to ignore and bury the memories, Jeno hauled himself out of bed. Limping out of the room into the dark hallway, only the moonlight at the end of the hallway provided the tiniest fraction of illumination. 

Jeno made his way down the hallway, holding onto Tamo's back for some support with is leg. The duo had finally reached the piano set before the large expanse of glass windows. Moonlight spilled through like a waiting companion for those lost souls up at earliest hours of the morning. The black grand piano glittered under the bright white light. Gentle fingers tipped the protective case up, gliding across the keys. A deep shuddering breath left Jeno, finally sitting in front of one of the only companions who distracted him from his harsh memories.


It's been a full week since Jeno had gotten shot, and a who knows how long since Chenle was allowed to go racing. Jeno has been making a steady recovery, the gash on his neck now scabbed over. His leg, however, has not been as fortunate to make a speedy recover. He's been confined to the infirmary to keep him from walking, Kun has even taken a wheelchair from the hospital he works at part-time. Being ever stubborn, Jeno refuses to use it.

Chenle and the injured boy have been attached at the hip, where ever one went, the other was sure to be found nearby. Doyoung found it rather endearing, Jeno, on the other hand was not happy about it. As much as Jeno adored the orange haired male, he found it annoying. Jeno managed to sneak out of the infirmary again, Kun surprisingly hasn't strung the poor boy up.

The quiet scenery of Seoul twinkled under the painted sky, the sun was waking up, splashes of pink, blue, purple and orange made themselves known. The early sunlight shone into the front room of the base, gleaming off the sleek black grand piano set there. A shilouetted Jeno was sat at the piano, head bowed as his fingers danced across the keys. The hallway housing separate rooms for each member was far enough away from the front room that only a very faint tune could be heard.

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