Author's Note

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Wow, this took so long to finish, but I couldn't be happier with the outcome. I'm terrible at writing these endnote author's notes, I'm so thankful to all of you who were here from the beginning and those of you who have found this book! Bad Alive has been one of the many works that have helped me push through quarantine even if it showed the darker side of my thoughts.

For me, just seeing my own struggle with writing this book at times and how I've overcome that and grown as an author has made me immensely happy. I am so proud of myself for this work of art, I have grown as not only an author, but as a person through writing this.

Again, thank you all so much for enjoying this rollercoaster of emotions. I hope to see you all in my other books published and soon to be published! Have a lovely day/evening everyone, I wish you all the best in love.

Much love from your totally-not-crying-author, Remi. *throws affection and love like glitter* <3

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