|26| Operation Dream

449 24 42

⚠️TW// Violence, blood, slight gore, death

Idle chatter filled the weapons room, clicks of guns and knives being checked became an ambient noise. Metal weapons glinting beneath the blue-tinted fluorescent lights. Chenle sat atop the metal table near Yuta swinging his legs. Watching the male slide throwing knives and a dagger into thin pockets lining his pants and vest. Each blade slipped in silently, their owner matching the silence.

Sighing, Chenle pouted his lower lip out. Forlorn brown eyes held dangerous depths of sadness. He picked at the fuzzies decorating his worn pair of green sweatpants, fingers scratching along the soft material.

"Yuta?" Upon hearing his name called by the younger, Yuta looked up from his handgun.

Meeting the younger's eyes he noticed the mist gathering in the large brown iris'. He frowned at the far off look Chenle gave him. "Yeah? What's up Le?"

"Bring him home please." Each syllable broke beneath breathy unshed tears. Emotions thick in the back of Chenle's throat, his eyes gleaming like gemstones.

The peachette hung his head, gasping past the building lump in his throat. Hot tears leaked past the cracking defenses. His voice warbled and shook muffled as he bit into his palm suppressing the pain. Peach and brown locks shaded his face, the strands deflated while they hung in place as the last line of defense to the young man's heart.

"J-just bring him back." Chenle's voice cracked sharply when he shakily inhaled to speak. Pulling his palm away to take a deep breath he frowned seeing indents of his teeth. Shuddering breaths passed through his cracked lips.

Crouching in front of the teary-eyed boy, Yuta placed a calloused hand on his knee shaking it gently. "I will, I promise. You focus on getting everything ready with Kun for when we get him home. Okay?" Reaching up he brushed away the tears streaming down the Chinese males cheeks. The boy nodded sucking in deep breaths pushing away the feeling of overwhelming fear.


Engine humming, the back of the van shook ever-so-gently. Before the squad had set out on their task, their leader had their best mechanic refit the vehicle with armored playing and bulletproof glass. With the help of the genius techies they were able to add durable automated locks that only unlocked by use of a controller built on the same frequency — YangYang had happened to ramble on about more technological things that none of them besides Jisung understood. The youngest had wanted to add an AI within the van, but much to his dismay, Doyoung was not fond of the idea.

Taeyong unlatched a black case, quickly handing out the newly designed communicators made by Yangyang and Jisung. "Turn them on and we'll do a quick briefing over the plan." He turned towards the male sitting in the drivers seat, quickly switching the device on and putting it in his husband's ear. "You stay here and keep an eye out for us, okay?"

The back of the van was silent, energy whizzing through ever fiber of their beings. Mark peered up through his brown fringe watching Taeyong lean close to Doyoung, their fingers intertwined and rubbing over the wedding bands. Looking away he caught Yuta's eye sending a small smile in his direction — this was a particularly nervous smile, body quivering with anxiety.

Mark, Yuta, Johnny, Renjun, Lucas, and Ten were seated in the back of the van, a weapon attached to their bodies in various locations. The eldest wore a vest with two handguns attached, magazine clips stored in pouches, his dark brown locks swept away by a bandana given to him by Ten. Each of them wore dark clothing, their brand-new earpieces comfortably resting in their ear, anxious and determined expressions paired well with the gloomy clothes each male wore.

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