|11|Avid Grease-Monkey

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Frustrated huffs left the faded green haired boy, his eyes tired as he scanned the screens. Fingers clacking against the keys he dug through different files. Noticing the roster for the races on Thursday night, the boy pulled up the document.

Scrolling through the roster he recognized familiar names along side Chenle, Hendery's. There were names of members from Seventeen signed up. They were racing at the same hours as the two boys. Worry shot through the young boys body, heart pounding.

Reaching over he pressed a button which sent a notification to Taeyong's office. Hoping the elder was there, Jisung turned towards Yangyang who was sound asleep on the makeshift bed. Frowning at the brunettes scrunched up features he stood up, popping his back.

Approaching the sleeping boy he pulled the blankets back over Yangyang, smiling softly as the brunette relaxed.

Footsteps echoed through the door, Taeyong was quicker than usual. "What's you find, Sungie?" The elder pushed the door open, stepping inside.

Quietly scanning the red heads features he noticed the dark circles becoming increasingly more present. His eyes had dulled, their spark of excitement barely flickering within the burning brown embers. Looking back at Yangyang, the boy continued to sleep peacefully, expression calm. Approaching his boss, Jisung peered into his eyes, his calm, warm and inviting eyes meeting Taeyong's harsh, tired and burned out ones.

At the sudden closeness of the younger, the elder cleared his throat shifting his attention to the blinking screens behind the younger boy. The green haired boy smiled softly to himself, even though Taeyong was the leader of their mafia he still managed to get easily flustered.

Fingers twirling the wedding band around his ring finger, Taeyong eyed the side of the boys face noticing the sharp structure of his nose. The boy was breathtakingly beautiful even with the exhaustion ever presently hanging over him. His eyes held flecks of reserved emotions, the boy never expressed himself well. Perhaps that's why the green haired boy got along so well with the married Dotae couple; they all struggled to show their emotions, yet they somehow understood each other.

Brushing his hand against Taeyong's shoulder, Jisung pointed to the roster pulled up on the screen. "There's some racers from Seventeen on the racing roster. They're in the same races with Hendery and Chenle." Plopping down in the seat, the youngest moved the cursor and highlighting the names next to Hendery and Chenle.

Hands resting on the back of his seat, the red head leaned forward. Three names sat perfectly aligned under the bright blue highlight. Furrowing his brows, Taeyong chewed on his bottom lip, ignoring the soft yet worried look Jisung was giving him. The green haired boy had tilted his head up, green hair gently curling around his cheekbones, still feathery as ever.

Minghao, Jeonghan, and Junhui

Stepping away, Taeyong ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the red strands in stress. The man sighed softly, the clicking of his dress shoes against the cool cement flooring roused Yangyang from his sleep. Taeyong was pacing unsure of what to do, he couldn't just pull Chenle and Hendery from the races.


Firey red hair flashed in between the scattering leaves. The owner of the red hair was chasing a boy with blonde hair, the two inside the square rundown courtyard of the orphanage. Peels of laughter erupted from the two boys as they chased each other around.

They were blind to the harsh realities of the world, their hearts protected within the cracked stones walls of the building. Growing up together within the walls immune to the future they would have. To think these two boys would grow apart and end up enemies.

Bad Alive | JenleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora