|9| Parties and Pleasantries

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"Boys get ready, we've got a party to go to." Taeyong ordered, he was already dressed, red hair slicked back showing off his slit eyebrow.

His makeup wasn't overly extravagant, gold shadow was dusted around the gentle arch of his lids. A darker slate gray lining his lashes, a winged eyeliner rested across his stunning brown eyes. Taeyong's clothes however, were much less subtle his shirt was completely mesh with sequins sewn on, only the two center buttons were buttoned. His form fitting pants were a matching stark onyx, down the front his legs ran a cube-pattern of sequins and jewels of pink and blue. Around his ankles were metallic gold boots, the heels clicking against the hardwood floor.

Doyoung gave his husband a once over before looking away. He couldn't believe how stunning his rose is. Taeyong never seemed to stop shining like a star, his presence alone demanded all eyes on him. Two of the younger members, Jeno and Chenle gave a noise of confusion at the sudden spiffing of their leader. It's odd to see him so dolled up, especially when Jeno wasn't informed of a mission.

Taeil, Haechan and Jaemin gave their leader a short nod before leaving to dress. An excited Ten trailed after them, already spilling his ideas and plans for clothing. The boys laughed along at the excitement emanating from the Thai male. Not even twenty minutes later the three came back dressed looking stunning.

Taeil was put in a simple matching red velvet suit with gold detail, hair mused but slightly wet. A small shine of glitter covered his body. Eyes gently warmed by edges of browns and coal colors, faint gold contacts were laid over his naturally brown iris'. The Emissary made his way over to their boss, grabbing the sleek black handgun outstretched towards him.

Jaemin came with his blue hair slightly pushed back, a few strands hanging in his face. His strong arms were on display, the black and white sleeveless royal guard top fit snugly to his frame. Black collar pristine folded, his matching pants slightly loose, white boots with metal detail pressed into his calves. The bluette gave Renjun a smug smile as he passed noticing the confused look on the boys face.

Haechan was the last of the trio to return, he was less extravagantly dressed unlike his two companions. The brunette had streaks of pink and green along with tiny iridescent strings. Soft warm browns that matched the striking brown hair of the tanned boy shaded his eyes. The combination of Haechan's natural allure with the soft shades made his look even more breathtaking. Clothes were simple, he wore an open red bomber jacket placed over a loose white t-shirt with a floral design. He tugged on the black ripped jeans loosely hugging his well-defined legs. Matching worn down red converse on his feet.

"Good job cleaning them up, Ten." Taeyong complimented the Thai boy, giving his boys each a once over.

Jeno and Chenle were sat on the couch in the living room watching the group of dressed up men chatter. Chenle pouted as he threw an arm over Jeno's shoulder pressing his face in the older's neck. "How come they get to go out and have fun, but I'm not? It's not fair." Whining pitifully into the warmth of his neck.

The brunette gave a soft laugh from the small breaths that tickled his neck. Jeno, however, never responded considering it was a constantly asked question between the two.

"Oh and one more thing; Chenle? You have a race Thursday night at 8 pm, don't miss it." Taeyong ordered, hardly sparring the boy a glance before he ushered the group out into the fancy van that waited for them.


Music thrummed through the electric atmosphere, the adrenaline almost a tangible saccharine sweet air. Bodies glimmered under the colorful lights, mainly from the sweat created from the push and pull of heated bodies on the dance floor, others sparkled with tiny specks of body glitter.

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