|2| Worrisome Family Dynamic

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Loud dolphin-like yells rolled through the base along with heavy thumps. It was very clear the internal balance of the orange haired racer had been disrupted. If their life was a movie Mark was sure there'd be birds flying away from the base. The thought brought a faint smile to the sitting boy's face. The sun filtering through the wall of glass windows casted a soft glow on the aged dark walnut wood floor.

Chenle stomped past Mark scowl present on his face, hair stuck out in all directions. Mark, however, just kept quiet as he raised to his feet trailing the younger into the kitchen. Eighteen of the members were scattered around the kitchen and dining room, quietly conversing with each other. Mornings like this were rare, the scent of pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs wafted through the base.

A chorus of morning greetings reached the two males entering the area. Chenle greeted them quietly already pouring himself a glass of milk. Ploping down on a stool next to the kitchen islad he rested his head against his folded arms, Chenle's neck was killing him.

"What's got you upset Lele?" Jaemin sat next to the younger, gently rubbing Chenle's back.

Turning his head Chenle looked up at the sweet smile that graced Jaemin's lips. "Someone took me away from the infirmary last night. I know it's stupid to be upset but, I can't help it." Chenle pouted when Jaemin started to run his fingers through his bed head.

Cooing at the younger Jaemin shifted closer pulling Chenle into a hug, looking at his fellow members. "Our little baby is worried about Jeno."

Everyone let out soft awws and cooing noises, one of the many tall members came over, ruffling Chenle's hair. A small scowl painted onto the dolphin boy's face, lifting his head he glared at the members, heat crept up his neck.

"Just confess and get it over with, you're not subtle when it comes to flirting with him. I'm honestly surprised he has pieced it together." Skyscraper one aka Johnny light-heartedly teased him.

An indignified skwak left Chenle, face beet red he clenched his eyes shut. Head thumping against the island he gave a pitiful whine.

"Have you seen that man? He's built like an ox, he could crush me with just his hands." Chenle let out head still pressed against the cool marble.

Laughter filled the room, the members enjoyed teasing the love-struck younger. Once the laughter and heat creeping up his neck died down, Chenle looked up. His pout no longer there he saw and felt the gentle stares of comfort and love the others gave him. Reaching up he pulled the closest person into him, burying his head in Johnny's chest.

"Chenle, you know we love you right?" Johnny muttered into the crown of said boy's head. A soft nod and squeeze told the older all he needed to know.

When Chenle let go he grabbed his glass of milk, drinking most of it down. The soft chattering slowly filled the room again, however that was disturbed. Renjun and Jaehyun started to argue about something, sounds like wether pancakes are better than waffles.

"Hyung, how can waffles be better? They just hold all of the syrup and when you bite into it, it's too sweet!" Renjun complained hands furiously fluttering around him as he talked.

Jaehyun scoffed, "pancakes become soggy when you pour syrup on them and it's so gross." He gave small shudder to emphasize his point.

The two glared at each other, heads whipping around to look at Taeyong and Taeil for their opinions. A whisp of a smile passed over Taeyong's face before he stood taking a few of the cleared plates. "Don't drag me into your petty argument boys."

Taeil held back a laugh eyes crinkling at the corner from the power of his smile. "Listen to boss, boys. Don't argue about something so trivial especially when toast is clearly the best." Renjun and Jaehyun gaped at the oldest with shocked looks.

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