|5| Weaponry and Meetings

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Taeyong was perched on one end of the large brown leather couch, glass of water in hand. The red head had thought about ingesting alcohol, but decided against it. Clothes changed, hair fixed and the lightest dusting of makeup on his features, Taeyong was dressed to play his part. Red hair swept up away from his sharp yet soft face, a black suit jacket hung off his slim frame partially covering the nearly transparent floral shirt. Dark brown slacks complimentedthe floral shirt.

To his left Lucas and Ten conversed in Mandarin, ignoring their boss who played with the rim of the glass in hand. Ten let out a yell before a slap resounded along with a pained whine from Lucas as he continued ot laugh at something Ten said.

"Jisung," Taeyong called to the quiet boy standing to his right. "Come here." Finger crooking as he beckoned the younger over.

Quietly shuffling, Jisung came into view. The skinny boy had a tablet in his arms, hood of his pastel block sweater pulled up, sections of green hair peeking out. Reaching out, Taeyong gently held Jisung's hand.

Jisung remained quiet watching their connected hands, tendrils of sleep crawling at the edges of his vision. Looking at his boss, Jisung blinked attempting to focus on Taeyong. Leaning forward he nodded his head, clutching his tablet closer to his chest. Jisung's sleeves swamped his hands, the soft fabric covering Taeyong and Jisung's connected hands.

"Get some rest." Taeyong murmured quiet enough, only Jisung hearing that. Jisung pouted, brows furrowing cutely, "You've been busy, sleep. You don't need to be here for this meeting." The older gave him a reassuring smile reserved only for him.

Lucas and Ten had quieted down they were watching their boss give the tiniest bit of affection to their youngest. Their hearts warmed adn softened at the sight, it was rare to see Taeyong be so openly affectionate, even though he was a very kind man; Taeyong was just never one to show it, worried enemies would use that to their advantage.

Reluctantly, Jisung padded his way out of the room, the heavy oak door thumping shut behind the green haired male. Taeyong smiled softly at Lucas and Ten who gave bright smiles in return, happy to see Taeyong in a good mood.

The smile didn't quite reach his eyes, the red head was stressed beyond belief, his head swimming with worry and concern for each members safety. They're the only people Taeyong had ever considered family, leading them had slowly placed lead weights of responsibility on his shoulders over the five years of NCT's running.


Hobbling down the hallway Jeno finally made it to the training room, sweat prickling the back of his neck from the effort used. Muffled clashing of weapons and grunts reached Jeno through the heavy wooden door. Jeno hauled the door open, at the sound of the door rolling open the trio looked up, eyes meeting Jeno's.

A noise of shock left Jeno once he noticed the large wooden and metal bo staff in Chenle's hands. Thats the first weapon Jeno has seen Chenle pick up in over two years, shock wouldn't even begin to explain what Jeno felt. He wouldn't lie to himself but Chenle did look pretty badass with a bo staff in hand, sweaty, his t-shirt clinging to his body, orange hair hanging in his eyes. Jeno's cheeks pinked at the weight of Chenle's gaze, unsure how to feel, the former shifted his weight onto his right leg.

"Uhhh, hello..." Renjun waves awkwardly, Yuta standing next to him, knife in hand aimed at Chenle.

Yuta was heaving for breath, his white and blue hair framed his sharp features, eyes sharper than his knifes edge. The sleeveless tank hung off his slim yet muscled frame matched by a pair of gray sweatpants. He gave his fellow assassin a bright smile, sweeping his hair away. Renjun on the otherhand was wearing a light yellow hoodie, black sweatpants hanging on his hips.

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