|8| Rivalry

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Quick presses of keyboards flittered around the two techies as they dug through databases. An image was tacked up between the two monitors. It was a screenshot of the group of men that had raided the warehouse. The bleach blonde hair standing out the most with his signature blue sports car behind him.

"How are we supposed to find this asshole if we can't get a good quality picture of his face." Yangyang whined, cracking and stretching his fingers to get blood flowing again.

Jisung sent him a nasty glare. "Well it's impossible to find nice quality security cameras. It's not like we have the time to build them, Yangyang!" Snapping in frustration he set his keyboard back onto his desk.

It is well past 12 am, Jisung hadn't changed his clothes once they got back from the warehouse. He had gone straight to the intel center, transferring all of the data from his laptop to his desktop. His hair stuck out in all directions, sleep whispering at the back of his ears.

The green haired boy shook his head, he couldn't fall asleep. Jisung was determined to find this man and his gang of idiots before they stole other allied mafias shipments.

He unconsciously hunched over his desk, back arched, fingers clacking against the keys noisily. Yangyang yawned, bringing his soft sweater covered hand to his mouth. The sweater was warm, had a nice heavy weight to it. Those two features had pulled yawn after yawn from the sleepy boy.

Multiple cans of empty energy drinks were scattered across the room, along with balls of paper, pens, pillows and blankets. The two techies were normally too exhausted to trudge all the way to their rooms to sleep, hence the small makeshift nest of pillows and comforters.

Yangyang's head lulled back against the headrest of his chair, eyes slipping shut. Exhaustion curled it's soft fingers around his wrist guiding him into the soft black abyss of sleep. Two hands slightly shook him, eyes prying open he saw the familiar navy blue hair of Kun's.

"C'mon, you cant sleep in here. You have been working your tail off day and night." Kun muttered to Yangyang, brushing strands of hair from his face.

Crouching down Kun lifted the boy into his hold, hands supporting his weight by holding underneath his thighs. Yangyang tiredly twined his arms around his neck and legs around his waist, face nuzzling into Kun's neck. In seconds his breathing evened out, short warm puffs ghosted over his neck.

Kun left the room with his sleeping boy in his arms. After Kun had left, Taeyong slipped into the room. Eyes filled with concern the red head made his way over to Jisung's chair, pulling it away from the desk. Noises of frustration escaped the green haired boy. Taeyong spun the chair around, eyes boring into the boys.

"Jisung, go to bed. You can't keep doing this." Taeyong crouched down, gently resting his hands atop his knees.

Jisung felt pin pricks behind his eyes, blinking furiously to push the feeling away. The elder watched Jisung closely, knowing he on the verge of tears.

Taeyong laced his fingers with Jisung's. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart." His tone was soft and gentle like a cloud.

Shaking his head at the younger's hardened expression, Taeyong cupped the boys face. Thumbing away the warm tears that trickled down his face. "Doyoung and I want you to go to bed. Let's go sweetheart."

Eyes opening Jisung watched him through glassy tears and exhaustion trickling down his face in wet droplets. "I'm so tired, hyung."

Pulling him up, Taeyong shut off all of the tech. "You can sleep with Doyoung and I tonight, hows that sound?" The boss led the tall boy back to his bedroom where Doyoung was waiting arms open for the younger to escape in.

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