|20| Parties and Pleasantries pt.2

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Seventeen men sat sprinkled throughout the living room, a few on the couch and floor. Many looked tired but alert their eyes sharp and alerted for anything. Jisung in particular was sitting in Doyoung's lap his head leaned back against his shoulder as his fingers tapped on his tablet. His lithe frame swamped in a large hoodie -- most likely Doyoung or Taeyong's -- and strong arms wrapped around his waist.

Yangyang was perched on one of the arm rests of their couch while leaning onto Kun's side, his mop of brown hair ruffled from sleep. Quite a few were settled on the cushions of the couch while a fellow member leaned back in between their legs -- one couple in particular warmed Taeyong's heart, Hendery was sat between Xiaojun's legs leaning back with the former man's fingers running through his hair. His strong eyes scanned them with the sharpness of a hawk, voice level and clear he finally broke the silence.

"Monsta X is having a party tonight, I along with Doyoung, Taeil and Haechan will be entering the party while Yuta, Yangyang and Jisung will be monitoring. Doyoung and Taeil are sticking with me. Haechan you need to try and pull information from the party guest, but keep in mind to be respectful to our allies and yes our enemies too.

"Yuta, you'll watch us from afar inside the party but please keep your distance because no one knows your face and name, use that to your advantage. Sung and Yang will watch from the base, Monsta X granted us permission to watch through their cams. Hack away boys, keep a close eye on us, okay? The rest of you can stay here and rest, we'll be back as soon as we can. Kun watch over Chenle and Jaehyun please, call me if there's any updates on their status." Taeyong pointed to each man, shoulders tense with the weight of his role he waited till he got a nod from the rest.

The red head sighed seeing the expressions on the rest of the member's faces, it was a mixture of frowns and content smiles, many of the younger members happy to get more sleep.

Clicking of nails and the thump of paws drew grew louder as it approached the living room. Tamo had brought his owner along, Jeno's hand resting atop the fluffy Pyrenees' back. Ten smiled softly as he walked along with the blonde male, fingers racing through the freshly bleached locks. He let out a soft whisper of encouragement to the younger.

The feeling of warm hands brushing against his scalp brought back memories of the orange haired boy he had grown fond of. The nights spent being held, hushed whispers of comfort to calm his mind of his night terrors, warm fingers running through his hair lulling him to sleep.

Ten's tiny murmur of concern brought him back, calm and clear eyes met his dazed ones. Once he was back in focus the younger male gave a nod back to him, his whole demeanor changing once he spoke.

"I'm going with you Taeyong." Stern and stubborn came Jeno's voice in a raspy tremble.

Stepping further into the room Jeno noticed the curious looks thrown his way. A few of the DREAM unit watched him closely, their eyes widening at the stark contrast of hair color he now flaunted. Taeyong on the other hand turned to him, distress and underlying anger poorly covered -- his deeply furrowed brows and steely eyes gave him away.

The male didn't need to say anything to understand Jeno's reasoning for tagging along, he could see the pleading sparks within his eyes when they met. The red haired male pitied the younger, the struggle and battle against each wave of emotion evident in the way his eyelids drooped in layered exhaustion. Emotional battles were always the most draining.

"Fine, go get ready. Don't do anything stupid when we get there, please." With a happier glow to himself, Jeno nodded at Taeyong before he turned and left the living room, Tamo on his heels.

Murmurs of 'oh my god his hair looks good', 'woah', and a small squeak of 'he still scares me' from Jisung as he leaned further back into Doyoung's chest. Ten grinned at Taeyong before setting off to put together the many outfits for each of the boys going out.

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