|25| Lonely

435 24 63

I am marking where the TWs begin and end for those that are squeamish with these kinds of things. I am willing to send a summary of that section of his chapter. The section isn't too long but please feel free to scroll past it!

⚠️TW// Torture, blood, branding, violence, gore, non-con suggestive touching (nothing more), unsafe use of bleach

25 days since Jeno's disappearance

Taeyong's phone buzzed against his desk pulling him away from the boy sat in front of his desk. No one ever calls his personal phone. A scowl tugged his features down, he picked up the slim technology, wedding band clicking against the metal.

An unknown number flashed at him, buzzing in his palm. Frowning he held a finger up to Jisung, pointing at his phone before tapping the green button.

"What?" Taeyong's voice erupted from his throat in a growly cold tone. The mere edge of his word sent shivers down Jisung's spine.

Soft patronizing chuckles echoed through the phone. "That's no way to greet an old friend, now is it, Taeyong?" Seungcheol. The mere sound of his voice caused the hairs on the back of Taeyong's neck to stand on end.

He huffed gesturing for the boy in the room with him to tap into the call. The red head exhaled sharply once he got an all-clear gesture. Settling further into his leather chair, he absent-mindedly opened the bottom drawer, inside it held his signature handgun. Pulling it out he rested it on the desk, fingers rubbing over the cool metal — a sign he was anxious. His office used to be clean and pristine, but over the weeks Jeno had been gone it slowly began to go into a disarray.

"Is there something you want?" Taeyong's voice cracked from restraint to keep from snapping at the younger male.

"I should be asking you if there's something you want. It seems to me that I have something or rather someone you want." The response was like a small animal biting at the redhead's heels — annoying and irritating.

Sighing heavily, the eldest deflated where he sat. Leaning forward onto the desk he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, you do, but what is it that you want in exchange for his life?"

Laughter sprang from the device, Taeyong pulled away from the phone wincing at the attack on his eardrums. He sent a killer glare at the object. Once the obnoxious noise died down then man on the other end spoke.

"Give me your life, along with your territory. Simple enough." Simple? For Taeyong? Yes. For his team? No.

Clutching the heating metal object the boss tugged at his hair in frustration. Rage and malice emanated from the very fiber of his being. Like a thick black smoke it permeates the room awaiting it's prey to suffocate and drag into the dark abyss.

"My life, you can have. My territory? No. It belongs to NCT as a whole, not me. I know my life will be substantial enough for your greedy desire to quiet." Voice softly laced with the weight of thinly veiled rage, Taeyong all but growled into the reciever before ending the call.

Jisung shuffled in his seat tapping away on his tablet. "I managed to roughly pin point his location. He's in the outskirts of Seoul near Suwon. I'll keep an eye on his location."

Taeyong rose to his feet giving Jisung a distracted nod. With a flourish of quick movements he tucked the handgun into his belt, rounding the desk to press a chaste kiss to the boy's forehead.

"Let's get the team together, notify them." Laced with authority the words rolled off the elders tongue.

If Seungcheol wants to wage war against Taeyong, he'll get what he asked for — war.

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