|16| Terror-Bound Records

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None of them spoke. They all sat in silence as the van jostled them around on their way to their destination. The ambience of their soft breathing, and Jeno's finger tips running along a blade filled the vehicle.

Jeno's mouth was hardened into a tight line, eyes casted downward pulling his strong dark brows together in a deep furrow. His finger tips ran along the knife Chenle had gotten him, the calloused fingers held scars from doing what he was exactly doing. If he were here, he would've chewed Jeno's ear off about how it's bad for him and his hands.

The idea of Chenle sent sharp warmth skittering through his veins. Suppressing the oncoming upturn of his lips, Jeno pushed the thought away.

A sudden pinch accompanied by the slow beading of blood caught his attention. Eyes shooting down to his fingers he noticed he had caught his right ring finger with the pointed tip of his knife. The blood gathered at the surface quickly, the pearl of blood beginning to run down his slim fingers. Exhaling quietly, Jeno rubbed his hand on his vest ignoring the burning paining it caused the tiny wound upon his finger.

Soft murmurs turned to worried voices calling out to him. Jeno blinked slowly, head rising from its position of glaring at the floor. "-eno! Jeno!" Voice sharp with an edge of concern, one of the boys called to him; Renjun was talking to him, his mouth moved yet he could not hear him like cotton had been stuffed into his ears.

Head sinking into his thoughts once more, the brunette slumped against the side of the van. The two left the clearly very distracted assassin alone, softly grumbling amongst each other. Jeno ignored Renjun and Yuta narrowed eyes as they sent him distressed glances.

Chenle. Chenle, Chenle. His smooth, plump lips that molded to his own like gentle clouds. His adorable smile, the shy upturn growing into a wide open mouth smile, sugary and sweet laughter bubbling from him to match his personality. The way his hair felt slightly rough and coarse in his hands from the extreme bleaching and the layer of fading orange hair dye that clings to his hair.

The brunette's face began to heat up, along with his body. Every fiber of his being vibrated with longing to hold the shorter male in his arms and press gentle kisses to lips, to pour all of his emotions into him.

A small squeak slipped from Jeno's lips, his ears flushed a dark red from the idea of kissing Chenle again. Bending forward the embarrassed brunette caged his head in as he shoved his face into his knees.

Yuta side eyed the small Chinese male, his eyes clearly sending him the "What the fuck is wrong with him?" look. The pinkette shrugged unsure with how to respond, he himself hadn't the faintest of an idea for Jeno's sudden change in behavior. The boy seemed...



In the outskirts of Seoul there stand three men, each with a weapon in hand standing before a weathered staircase leading down. The staircase blended in well with its surroundings, dark and decrepit, abandoned by civilization. Few people lived in this part of Seoul as shown by the more run down buildings that still stood, their warm glowing house lights coming from inside them casted an eerie shadow onto the street.

Puffing out their dismay the descended the broken steps. Jeno's swift feet made due with the missing pieces of the stairs, avoiding them even in the dimly lit surroundings.

Dark eyes scanned the rusted entrance to the underground base. Cracked and weather cement steps led down into the ground to a large door, leaves and dirt gathering in the crack and crevasses of each step. The door was slightly open, the large metal lock hanging off thick chains that were wound through one door handle. Mold, decaying leaves and wet metal wafted around the secluded entrance, their smell creating a foul scent causing Renjun to scrunch his nose in distaste.

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