|3| Brroom Brroom

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Hendery was sat inside the meeting room, Taeyong stood in front of him lecturing him about his upcoming mission. The boy just nodded, this was nothing new; go to the set location of the new race area, compete and collect info from the other racers.

"You have one more task this time," Taeyong placed his hands down on the table, brown eyes searching the youngers.

Looking at him, attention caught Hendery's eyes honed in on his boss. Chenle was slumped down in his seat, extremely unsure of why he was here if he wasn't going. The older of the two boys leaned forward, elbows perched on the hardwood table, eyes glimmering in excitement. Hendery was never given more to his missions, always given the typical 'go win the race, talk to other racers and get information'. When he returned he was continously given a pat on the back. If he was lucky Hendery would recieve a rushed 'good luck' or 'good job'.

Taeyong's voice rung with authority, "We need you to find him. He's new, he'll be easy to spot." Jerking his head in Hendery's direction, eyes on Kun.

Kun gave a soft sigh before sliding a closed folder across the table towards the brown-haired male. Hand gently grasping Taeyong's elbow Kun pulled him away from the table, giving said male a knowing look.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kun whispered in Taeyong's ear, it was easy to see the clear worry and concern for Hendery radiating off the Chinese doctor.

Glancing back at Hendery, Taeyong studied the boy's expression. Hendery's brows were furrowed in concentration as he poured over the small file. The man in file was extremely beautiful. Soft sandy brown hair framed sharp features, caramel eyes pierced into Hendery's soul. The slope of mystery man's nose led down to the prominent cupids bow resting above plump pink lips. Hendery had to do a double take, he noticed the glimmering metal hoop hanging from the soft and totally boopable nose.

A small noise left Hendery when he felt three heavy set of eyes burning holes into him. "W-wait. Why do I have to find him? What use is he to us?" Question after question poured out of the flustered male, eyes quivering.

Taeyong let out a sharp laugh, features slipping back into his stone-cold facade. "That's for me to know." His stern brows rose slightly as if asking Hendery to challenge him.

Hendery on the other hand sunk back into his chair, already lost in thought. Find the male in the photos, huh, seems easy enough.

"He's an informant from a friend back in China. Yixing sent him here." Kun explained ignoring the way Taeyong's head snapped towards him. If he whipped his head any faster he would've snapped his neck.

Chenle stole the file, flipping through the small amount of information presented. The orange let out a low whistle once he saw some of the few pictures inside the manila folder. "He's gorgeous," after a short pause Chenle tossed the file on the table. "Can I go?"

"No." Responded Taeyong, his voice had a sharp edge, finality ever present. A stern scowl etched onto his features.

The air in the room seemed to shift into something even a knife couldn't cut. Standing, Chenle quietly left the room, he gave his boss a small nod. Once outside of the room he let out the breath he didn't realize he was hold in. The heels of his hands digging into his eyes, he  could feel the pressure building behind his eyes, Chenle furiously rubbed his eyes.


Ten knocked, more than enough hangers of outfits hung off his fingers. A crashing sound followed by a muffled yelp could be heard beyond the door. The door was yanked open, Hendery stood in front of the older man, face flushed breathing heavily.

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