|10| Temptation

671 29 133

tw/ blood and violence

Dull thumps and grunts pounded off the walls in the training room, Jeno was sparring with Chenle. The two of them were sweating, their hair and clothes soaked, strands of hair hung in their faces. Jeno was dressed in a white sleeveless shirt with a matching pair of white sweat pants. Chenle on the other hand was clothed in gray T-shirt, his navy blue sweat pants snuggly fit around his waist.

Both were barefoot, practicing with weapons. They had moved on from doing hand-to-hand combat for weapon training. The brunette swung his knives down at Chenle's head, the latter blocking with ease. His bo staff held up the knives. Ever since Chenle asked to be trained with weapons each member has been taking turns to help show him different weapons. Jeno on the other hand helped the boy improve on his skills with a bo staff.

Eyes shifting around Chenle's figure the brunette noticed that the younger was becoming more and more toned. The muscles in his arms rippled from the force he used to block and hold Jeno's weapons up. Jeno was impressed by the boy, he had learned quickly. Their movements were fluid as they danced. The sound of metal on metal clanged in their ears from the force of their movements.

Lost in the soft yet deadly expression present on the orangettes face, Jeno's stance faltered. Sudden movements broke him from his daze, Chenle had attempted to strike him from the side. Hands moving quickly he blocked with the knives. Jeno scanned his stance, noticing nothing was off he gave a firm nod for the other to continue.

Chenle swung the staff around his waist, using the end to prod Jeno's chest. Breathing through his nose, the latter stopped, a smug grin on his features. "Well done."

Lowering the staff the orange haired male leant it against the wall grabbing a water bottle chugging its contents. Heavy pants and the crinkle of water bottles were the only things heard in the room. The two briefly connected their eyes, Chenle's scanned over Jeno's figure.

Even if Jeno didn't reciprocate his feelings, Chenle would be content with just being able to watch the boy. He moved like water, limbs fast and fluid as he fought. His lean muscle flexed with each movement. Jeno's eyes darkened from their usual coffee brown to a bottomless pit. The way Jeno's focus zeroed in on him made him feel like he was the most important thing to Jeno.

"Thank you for helping me today. I still have to figure out what to wear for the race on Thursday." The orange haired boy perched himself atop a chair set along the wall.

Breathtaking smile on show, the brunette nodded, "you're welcome." Furrowing his brows in clear confusion "I thought you already picked something out. Didn't you?"

Chenle only glared Jeno down, the poor boy looked like a kicked puppy from the harsh glare sent his way. Sighing the older shook his head, he couldn't believe that Taeyong was going to let this spit-fire of a boy go racing again. He'd have to talk to his red haired boss about going with Chenle, just for protection. The younger could never seem to watch his mouth when challenged.

Running his fingers through the faded orange locks atop his head, the younger sighed through his nose. His body ached from the intense training the members had put him through. Brown eyes blinking up at bright fluorescent lights that shinned down on the duo, Chenle hummed along to the soft buzz the lights emitted.

Jeno's voice slipped through his daze, "C'mon let's continue our hand-to-hand combat. Hmm?" Tilting his head to the side, Jeno batted his eyelashes at the younger boy.


Chenle felt heat race up his spine at the small cute gesture Jeno did, thank goodness for their hard work otherwise it would've been obvious to the boy he was blushing. Not that Jeno wold notice anyway, the boy was oblivious. Rubbing at the pink that darkened the already flushed skin of his cheeks, Chenle nodded. He couldn't believe that this man could get his heart to spike up just from the simplest action like a head tilt.

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