|1| Accident-Prone Jeno

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Quiet footsteps echoed through the hallway as Jeno made his way to the targets room. He had one hand over his handgun, the other waved his companion into the hallway.

"It's clear." Jeno muttered into the earpiece, glancing back to be greeted by a swift nod.

"The target's in the room at the end of the hallway, two guards with him. Jeno, one to your right." A familiar voice crackled through the earpiece.

Quickly turning right Jeno's hand slid over his knife grasping it. Yanking it out he shifted his weight to his left foot, hand grasping the unsuspecting male. Hand covering the man's mouth he sunk the knife into the exposed neck, crouching as he pulled the body further down the hall.

"Damn, Jeno. Still surprises me when you do that." Yuta snickered behind Jeno, hands playing with his gun.

The former glared, dropping the lifeless body to the ground. A slick shlinking sound emanated from the knife pulling away from the neck. "Shut it, old man." Jeno bit out, dark eyes glittering in the moonlight shining through the windows.

Yuta passed the younger, kicking the door open startling the three men in the room.The familiar and oddly soothing pop pop of Yuta's gun followed by two thuds reached Jeno's ears before the two guards could turn and shoot the intruders. Stepping into the room Jeno's narrowed eyes latched onto the remaining man. The man was sitting at his desk, seemingly unbothered by the current events, eyes calmly watching the two assassins infront of him.

Unknown to the two men who stood in front of the desk, the man had pressed a button located underneath the desk. A silent alarm alerting his fellow members, backup being called to the building. The two assassins stood clad in all black uniforms with two things printed individually on the cuffs, 127 and Dream.

"Crap, guys get out of there! The bastard sent for backup, hurry up. You've got five minutes tops." Yangyang hissed, the faint sounds of clicking transmiting through their earpieces.

At the alarm Jeno hopped over the desk, knife in hand pushing the man's chair away from the desk. "You son of a bitch, tell us where our shipment is." The blade pushed against the target's throat, Jeno's free hand fisting the man's shirt.

"Shipment? Oh, you mean the shipment we burned?" The target gave a condescending laugh, eyes shining in amusement.

Glaring at the man Jeno threw Yuta a knowing look. Yuta smirked before nodding, Jeno turned back to the male pulling him up swiftly hitting him on the back of his head. The unconcious male slumped forward, Jeno hauled him over his shoulder.

"Yang, safest way down?" Yuta called as Jeno and him made their way out of the room, peering out the window at the glowing cityscape.

"Staircase fourth door on the right, it goes straight down. You've got three minutes hurry up!" Yangyang yelled followed by someone scolding him for yelling at the two assassins.

Jeno and Yuta quickly made their way down the staircase. Yuta kicked the door to the first floor open holding it as Jeno carried the body out. The first floor was eerily quiet, dead and unconcious bodies littered across the floor.

"Van's out front," a different voice spoke, Kun. "One minute boys, pick up the pace. They're closer than we thought."

The two assassins made it out into the crisp cool air, the night sky clear, the stars twinkling. An engine rumbling to life reached their ears as they started to jog, the van no more than 23 meters away.

"Crap, they're there, Get your asses out of there now." Kun yelled through Yangyang's intercom.

Just to his words the hum and rumble of multiple bikes echoed in the quiet night. Cursing the two took off towards the van. Jeno ignored the weight of the man on his shoulder.

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