|13| Overbearing Worries

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The bike pulled into the garage, Jeno slid off the seat tugging the helmet off his head. A small grunt leaving him, his chest ached, the pain from the well aimed punch bloomed in an unpleasant way. Both of their bodies hummed and seemed to vibrate, the feeling of the bike thrummed through their bodies like a heartbeat. The orange haired boy hopped off his bike, helmet already removed and a sharp slap to the back of Jeno's head.

The sudden wack to his head caused the older to whip his head around, dark eyes piercing into Chenle's. He could see the worry swimming beneath the dark depths of those eyes. Anger dissipating, Jeno gently took the helmet from Chenle, placing both of them on the motorcycles seat.

"What the hell were you think?!" Sharp and pitchy chords of distress and frustration fled Chenle's lips.

Scoff at the younger, the brunette smiled slightly hand coming up and resting atop the orangette's head. "Saving your ass, that's what."

The words held no bite, just a certain fondness that Chenle would never be able to understand. He glowered, eyes narrowing into small imaginary daggers he threw at the other boy's face.

"Yeah, well now you're even more hurt. Seriously, what is it with you and getting hurt." Chenle wound his fingers around one of Jeno's wrists, tugging him out of the garage and into the winding hallways of the base.

The latter grumbled to himself, once Chenle got going there was no way to stop him. Jeno complied knowing he'd have to deal with another lecture. Pulling the mask off he gulped in the cool fresh air of the air conditioned building. It was much less stuffy unlike wearing the fabric mask.

Here they were in front of the door leading to the one place Jeno hated the most - the infirmary. Kun would most likely join in on the scolding lectures Chenle have him. Time after time the younger boy was there to patch him up, no matter the wound or situation, Chenle had always wanted to help Jeno. A faint smile etched across the marble skin, gentle and sloping. His heart warmed at the thought of each time he got hurt, Chenle was there to help patch him up and reprimand him to be more careful.

Did the lectures ever work? No.

One of the fluorescent lights striping the top corners of the hallways flickered, Jisung or Yangyang would have to fix that. The sound of the door sliding open on the large metal wheels woke him. His eyes followed the metal sliding door, each rivet and blemish in the moving slab razed through the slit in the wall before going silent.

Grip gentle against the scarred wrist, Chenle led the other boy towards one of the many open beds. The younger was almost certain Jeno ended up in the infirmary every day. It was worrying to say the least, the idea of Jeno always winding up in a hospital bed being patched up caused his heart to tear, fragments fluttering to the ground.

Snapping his coffee brown gaze to the brunettes he noticed the slight dazed and tired expression. The faint hum of adrenaline and the vibrations from the bike had worn off, exhaustion creeping up on both of them. Jeno blinked, inhaling deeply before wincing in pain.

Chenle clicked his tongue, "told you, you'd need to be patched up." His sneer soft, the words nipped at Jeno's hazed brain.

His body and brain had slowed, the adrenaline worn off from the fight. The pain from the hits more noticeable. Jeno allowed himself to fall onto the cushioned bed, a small grunt passing his lips.

The brunette gazed up at Chenle as the younger shuffled closer, hands hovering in front of him. It was a silent ask for consent before he put his hands on his chest. Jeno gave a nod, his heart pounding against his rib cage threatening to burst through. The younger prodded at the sore bruised muscles under Jeno's shirt, eyes glued to Jeno's face to see a reaction. He could feel the erratic beating of the brunette's heart, brushing it off as the adrenaline that had worn off, his heart still slowing.

Warm fingers pressed into the muscle, a wince left Jeno from the harsh push. "Sorry, you're going to need to put some cream on them. As long as you're not bleeding you'll be fine." With those final words and a sharp exhale the younger turned on his heels, skittering out of the room.

Jeno hummed eyes following Chenle's figure as it disappeared behind the heavy door. Finally breaking his gaze away, the boy noticed a small tube of arnica cream sitting next to his thigh. Huffing in laughter, fondness and adoration cracked across his face in a small smile. Even when the orangette was angry at him, he'd still have the heart to care.

Confusion shot through his mind. Why did his heart suddenly speed up?

This is short but I felt it was necessary to show their relationship.... owo <3

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