|14| Broken Souls

570 26 94

Trigger Warning: Flashbacks to murder/abuse/violence/blood

Fingers thrummed against the lid of the piano, moon hanging high in the sky covered by a blanket of clouds. The astral light gave the clouds a beautiful glow. Brown hair fell in soft waves the ends of it brushing against his eyebrows. Jeno's eyes were tearing up, the memories from the past once again came to haunt him again.

Pulling his hands away from the piano, the brunette grabbed the hem of his sweater, fingers clenching around the fabric. A cold sweat crawled down his spine, the thin material of his sweater clung to his frame. Sorrow welled in his eyes, concentrated emotions spilling down his smooth skin. The sound of a tail sweeping across the hardwood pushed at his mind, a worried huffing whine left Tamo, the large puppy plopping it's head into Jeno's lap. Warm tongue kissing Jeno's hands, Tamo looked up at him with big brown eyes.

Huffing a sharp distraught laugh, Jeno released the hem of his sweater. "I know bud, I'll be okay." The tears didn't stop, the smile he attempted never reached his eyes. Tamo only narrowed his eyes, wet nose rubbing at the exposed skin on his wrist.

The Great Pyrenees whined loudly, his muzzle rubbing against Jeno affectionately. Tamo could sense Jeno's emotions, he was worried about him. Growling softly, Tamo stood up and walked away from Jeno, the click of his nails against the hardwood fading as he got further away.

When the puppy was out of Jeno's hearing range, he sighed. "Even my dog left me." Disbelief colored his expression, sorrowful tears drying upon the unblemished skin.

The brunette's mind was spiraling down, each memory that surfaced like a wave tossed him further and further below the surface. Jeno was drowning in the sea of doubt and despair, nothing to ground him. He was the only one awake at this God-forsaken hour. The sound of gunshots echoed through his mind, the image of his mother standing over his father's lifeless body burned into his eyelids.

His breathing had picked up, it felt like someone had poured powder into his lungs. Jeno's lungs hurt, new tears sprung to his eyes, hands clutching at his chest. Flash images of blood splattered walls, the red liquid seeping from the cold body, his mother wearing a horrifying smile. Her smile made his blood run cold, the brunette shuddered at the thought of his mother.

Socked feet approached Jeno, Chenle's candy floss orange hair stuck up in all directions. His large white puppy trailing behind the younger male. Chenle noticed the male's shoulders rapid rising and falling, worry struck his heart. The younger boy shuffled closer, hands slowly reaching for Jeno's.

The smaller hands coming into Jeno's line of sight caught his attention, warm fingers clasped his hands. The body heat seeped into Jeno through their connected hands, tipping his head up Jeno's bloodshot eyes met Chenle's sleepy ones. His eyes were glazed over in tears, trails from the drying tears glistening under the dull blanketed moonlight, even when crying Chenle thought he looked ethereal.

"Focusing on my breathing and match it, okay?" Sleep slurred words left the orangette's chapped lips, his hands bringing Jeno's palms to his chest.

Cold palms pressed through the large sleep shirt, tendrils of ice grasped at Chenle's warmth and heat his body provided. His heart thumped strongly against his chest, each pump of his heart calmed Jeno, the mere feeling on body heat and a heartbeat comforted the brunette. Jeno could feel the steady rise and fall of Chenle's chest, his breathing slowly evening out to match Chenle's, the elder watched the orangette's face noticing how even in the faint moonlight his bright orange hair seemed to give him a halo. 

One hot hand pressed against the back of Jeno's hands, gently holding them to his chest, the other running through Jeno's tousled hair. Fingers combing out the tangles that presented themselves from Jeno's tossing and turning during his nightmare. "You okay, now?" Chenle's voice pressed against the raging waves of the brunette's mind stilling them, the weight of his hands reached for him pulling him from the depths of the ocean. Gasping slightly, Jeno leaned forward pressing his forehead against Chenle's stomach.

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