|23| Unspoken Nightmares

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⚠️TW// Talk of sexual abuse, violence, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, blood

Please please do not read this chapter if any of the above is triggering to any of you! If you are not in a good mental place right now I advise to wait to read this chapter at a later time or you can dm me for a summary. I am very willing to dm you a quick summary of this chapter so that you do not have to read this! I do not want any of you being uncomfortable with this. I will put this emoji: ⚠️ before the start of the trigger warning section just so those of you reading can see. I have warned you so please be careful!

18 days since the accident

11 days since Jeno's disappearance

After a little over a week of searching for Jeno they had managed to recover his motorcycle and sniper rifle. They were unable to track him past the location where they found his rifle — a rooftop. This led Taeyong among many other members to believe that Jeno was taken.

Digital trail running cold, with no trace of him anywhere after that night Jisung and YangYang began to lose faith in their abilities to find him. The physical trail ended in the discovery of his rifle and motorcycle. Much to Doyoung's disappointment they were unsuccessful in finding the knife Chenle had given the assassin.

Meanwhile the comatose racer made progress, his brain scanner showed more activity leading Kun to believe he would wake up soon. When? He was unsure but he had a feeling the boy would awake. The Chinese man just hoped they'd get Jeno back in time for when the young boy wakes.

Thinly strung and desperate for information Taeyong had finally decided to reach out to three closely knit mafia allies — Monsta X, EXO and Mamamoo. While the male-led mafias safely scouted races and clubs the women-led mafia interrogated many informants around the city. It wasn't safe for Taeyong risk sending the boys out on reconnaissance missions.

Trusting the three allies to help them the redhead felt somewhat relieved. He knew they would give him the information he need ASAP.

Something he didn't expect was Jisung's panicked yell from the tech center. The young man's voice carried through the halls alerting the group of men living within the area. Without thought Taeyong sprinted down the hallway meeting Yuta and Jaehyun. The trio entered the tech center to see a panicked and shocked Jisung pointing to all of the monitors.

Jisung's faded green hair was ruffled and eyes wide. "I-I tried to override this and shut this down b-but I dom know how they got in. I swear I've been k-keeping the security up." Fists clenched in his hair, breathing short and fast he mumbled apologies when Taeyong finally caught sight of the monitors.

All of the screens whether they big or small showed the same feed. A dark barely-lit room fuzzed and blurred the monitors in shades of slate gray and deep blue. Sat in the center was a slumped form — unrecognizable against the lightly backdrop of hues, their figure silhouettes against the wash of destruction. Wires and panels hung low slightly obscuring the vision of the camera lens.

It became obvious to Taeyong that the camera or device used to record this was much newer and not decrepit like its surroundings. All of a sudden the lights flickered on illuminating the slumped over figure, the flash of platinum blonde hair causing a few members to gasp in shock.

Silence hung over those who watched, unable to tear their gaze away from the multiple monitors set around the room.

Taeyong's ears rung with pent up terror — the splashes of aged Bordeaux along the wall clawed at the recesses of his mind. Flashes of glinting steel, barbed shocks and grinning faces caused him to stumble back into a solid chest. Bringing his hand up to cover his mouth Taeyong watched Jeno's body move in show of his breathing.

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