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As Quinn reentered the room, mouth opening to question the boys on what was happening, the windows shattered, glass scattering across the floor. Men began piling in from a nearby helicopter, shouting orders at the three teens aggressively. Quinn jumped around when three more ran in, guns held high, this time from somewhere within the tower.

Most of them aimed straight at Conner, clearly there for the Superboy. Krypto viciously barked at the intruders, angering the men, ordering for him to be quiet which obviously meant for him to be killed. The dog leapt into action, soaring at one of them, taking him out. 

This spooked the men, one of them firing a net at Krypto, capturing him. "Krypto!" Quinn yelled, her hands above her head, attempting to rush to the dogs aid. 

This didn't go down well with the gun-holding men in the tower, one of them reaching out and pulling Quinn against them, holding the girl at gunpoint. "Get off me, shitheads!" Quinn struggled against them.

Upon seeing this, Conner ran at the men that surrounded the girl, pushing them to the floor and freeing her in the process. Gar, on the other hand, was fighting his own battles. Kicking the gun out of the hands of one of them, he grabbed him and smashed him against the wall angrily. The boy spun him around kicking him once again then jumping into the air, giving him one final kick to the chest.

"Did you see that?! I totally got him-" Gar beamed excitedly, but then having to swiftly duck from the rapid bullets headed his way. 

"Where's my bat when I need it?" Quinn sighed, exasperated, hitting one of the men square in the face as they approached her. "Damn, that felt good," she smirked, looking down at her fist but quickly snapping back to reality as the man began trying to get a hold of her.

She lifted her leg, striking him straight in the knee, causing him to buckle over. This gave Quinn the perfect opportunity to knock the gun from his hands, sending it flying across the floor. She took his arm, twisting it behind his back, pulling him hastily from the floor as he winced. She lifted her foot once again and pushed him to the other side of the room with a huff.

Quinn ran a hand through her hair, turning her head to see Conner throw one of the men into the ceiling with such ease it made her chuckle. Then she ran to the counter to see Gar crouched on the floor. He looked up at her, his eyes shimmering with a knowing thought. 

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