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𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦!

𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦!

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The three watched in horror as Kory held Rachel from her throat, her hands burning through her skin. The screams only got louder the longer it went on. "Kory, stop! You're hurting her!" Gar yelled through the screams, pulling the woman away from Rachel.

Kory simply swapped, dropping Rachel to the floor and taking a hold of Gar instead, choking him. "Kory? I-it's me, Gar," he managed through ragged breaths. 

"Kory! Let him go!" Quinn screamed, her hands reaching out to pull Gar from her only for Kory to grab Quinn as well. The pair struggled against the woman. "K-kory... It's us," Quinn breathed hoarsely, struggling for breath. 

Luckily for the two, Dick burst through the door just in time, "Kory, what are you-". 

With a grunt, Kory threw Gar and Quinn at Dick, causing them to fall to the floor in a pile. Kory turned back to Rachel and Angela on the floor, raising her hand, sparks beginning to emit from her palm until a lasso latched around her neck. 


Kory attempted to fight it, raising her hand once again. The mystery hero tuck rolled across the floor, missing Kory's flames before throwing her across the room, knocking her out, breaking a table whilst she did so.

Dick rose from the floor, holding onto the two teens securely, "You guys alright?". 

Catching his breath, Gar responded, "Yeah". 

"Hell no," Quinn sassed while she also got her breath back, allowing Dick to help her off the floor as he examined her neck. 

"Nice catch," Gar commented as a way to relieve the tension. 

"What happened?" Dick asked Angela, turning away from the teens. 

"She tried to kill my daughter," Angela replied, holding onto Rachel closely. 


The girl rubbed her burnt neck. "I was trying to help Kory get her memory back," she replied, her voice scratchy, "I must have done something wrong".

"No. None of this is your fault," Angela comforted her, looking down at her daughter. Rachel looked at Kory who lay unconscious on the floor, a sad expression on her face. 

Gar looked at the woman who had saved both him and Quinn, his eyes growing large with realization. "The lasso... You're her, aren't you?" he smiled weakly. 

"I'm an old friend of Dick's," she told him, avoiding eye contact. 

Gar chuckled happily, "You're Wonder Girl!". 

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