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The three began backing away from the others. Gar putting his arms out to keep the two girls behind him. Kory broke away from the group, walking Rachel away from Gar and Quinn as the others began circling them like predators. 

"Hey, uhm... Guys, it's me. It's us".

"What the hell are they doing?" Quinn hissed, grabbing onto Gar's arm in fear. 

He didn't get chance to respond as Dawn Granger swung at the boy, luckily he ducked out the way. But he wasn't completely lucky because Hank Hall unexpectedly punched him in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. 

"Stop! What are you doing?!" Quinn yelled, only for Donna to hit her across the face.

The pair were thrown around like rag dolls, getting punched and kicked by whoever they were nearest to. "No, stop!" Rachel yelled, attempting to push past Kory to get to them. Kory simply pushed the girl back with ease, Rachel landing on the floor with a thud.

After being hit over and over again, both Quinn and Gar tumbled weakly to the floor, leaving them to be repeatably kicked by each of them. Rachel scrambled to her feet, rushing to Dick's side who stood watching, a smirk on his face. 

"Dick, please listen to me! Back in Detroit, remember it was just you and me, and I found you and I asked you for help, and you said yes. You said you would! You said you would! You promised, you promised me... And if you can hear me now... Please, help me". 

Her voice was dripping with desperation as she lost her breath, begging the man she trusted the most in the world. "Please, please stop them". 

Dick turned his head to face the girl, nodding slowly before moving in between the others, forcing them to stop. Rachel smiled with relief as she watched Dick help the two off the floor. 

Just as things seemed to be looking up for her, Dick gripped their throats, lifting them both off the floor. Rachel gasped, the tears falling from her eyes once again. They struggled against the man, gasping out for breath. 

"No!" Rachel screamed before Dick forcefully threw Quinn into a china cabinet, the items smashing from the impact and falling around her. Then he threw Gar at the dining table which caused a few of the chairs to break and land on top of Gar's body.

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