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It has been three months and Titans Tower has been filled with nothing but love. The loving affirmations, joyful giggles, whisperings of sweet nothings, dreamy gazes, passionate kisses, shy smiles. 

Frankly, the others found it sickening. Sweet, but sickening. And despite the constant teasing, the other Titans were glad the two were finally happy. Quinn Jackson and Garfield Logan were completely head over heels in love. The new loved up couple were perfectly content with one another and nothing could change that.

"I cannot believe you just said that!" Quinn shrieked in disbelief, staring angrily at her boyfriend.

"What? The truth?" Gar bit back with sass, making his girlfriend roll her eyes dramatically.

"That's not the truth and you know it. You just want it to be how you want it to be! You never care about what I want!" Quinn snapped, pointing her finger accusingly at Gar.

Gar went wide eyed, a scoff escaping his lips, "I don't care? I kept quiet about this for months so you could be happy!".

Quinn shook her head sternly, "No, you kept quiet because you knew that you were wrong, and you couldn't handle that!".

"I couldn't handle that?" Gar questioned, completely dumbfounded, "I tried to talk to you about this and you got all defensive!".

Before Quinn got the chance to argue back, the bedroom door swung open, Dick entering the room. "What the hell is going on in here?" he asked, looking between the pair with a furrowed brow.

"Okay, let's ask Dick. See who he thinks is right," Quinn indicated to the man in the doorway, eyes narrowed at Gar. Gar crossed his arms over his chest, finally becoming silent as he looked at Dick. "Who would win in a fight, an astronaut or a cowboy?" Quinn copied Gar's stance, eyes landing on Dick for an answer.

The man looked at them in confusion, "This is what you've been arguing about for twenty minutes?".

Quinn and Gar looked at each other then back at Dick. "Yeah," they replied in unison as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "So, who would win?".

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 ● ︎GARFIELD LOGANWhere stories live. Discover now