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Quinn looked up as the elevator dinged, announcing the arrival of the adults who had just been out in attempts of catching Dr Light. She was in the kitchen making herself some tea when Donna came rushing in. "I'll get some gauze from the infirmary," she glanced back at Dawn who helped Hank walk in.

"Woah, what happened? Are you okay?" Quinn's eyes grew wide as she noticed the very visible wound in Hank's leg. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, kid. Don't worry 'bout it," he dismissed quickly, Dawn leading him in the same direction Donna had just gone in. Dick walked in last, a look of defeat on his face, his head hanging low. 

"You had a chance," Hank said, turning back to face the Dick. 

"He would've killed everyone on the bus," Dick informed him. 

"And he's going to kill how many more now?". 

"We'll get him," Dick said with clear uncertainty in his voice. 

"Maybe you've lost the taste for how this works," Hank limped towards him. 

"We'll get another shot!".

"The old robin would have taken the first one," Hank said through gritted teeth, lunging closer to him.

"Hank, hey," Dawn stopped him by placing her hand on his chest, "Hey". She pulled his face to look down at her, "That's enough". The blonde tugged him back in direction of the infermary.

Dick sighed heavily, running a hand along his face in a stressed manner. Quinn looked down at the mug in her hands, watching the steam rise, feeling a bit awkward. She lifted her eyes up when she heard footsteps enter the room.

"Where's Doctor Light?" Jason asked mockingly, gesturing his hands around. 

"Jason," Rachel warned from behind him. 

"A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what, headlamps? I mean, half the city's on fire and still no sign of Doctor Light". 

"Now's not the time, Jason," Dick said slowly, clearly irritated by the boy.

"Hey, I don't take orders from you anymore, man," Jason came face to face with Dick, "I do what I want, when I want". 

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