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Jason, Rachel and Quinn sat in the training room, the two girls waiting on Gar to bring them the snacks they had asked for. Dick had brought home the girl from the car chase and it was all the boys could talk about and it was starting to annoy the girls. 

"What do you think's going on out there?" Gar asked as he joined the others in the training room, handing Rachel a box of crackers and bottle of water.

"He's probably just trying to find out who she is," she replied, her eyes following him around the room. Gar then handed Quinn her own crackers, the blonde grinning up at him as a thank you before he sat down besides her. 

"He's giving her a sell job," Jason told them, swinging his staff around the place, "That's what he does 'cause he can't resist a stray".

"I mean, I knew he'd be bringing in new people, I just... Didn't expect it to be so soon," Gar said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. 

"Mm," Quinn hummed in thought, "I'm kinda excited. It'll be good to have new people around". 

"We don't know if we can trust her," Jason reminded her, "Hell, we don't even know what the fuck she is!".

"What she is, is a person who needs help," Rachel stated firmly, giving Jason a look of disapproval. 

"Or is she a person?" Gar spoke with his hands, looking around at everyone in the room for their thoughts. Rachel tilted her head at him accompanied by an unimpressed look. "How did she survive the jump?". 

After a short pause, the blue haired girl pondered this thought, "So you think she's a Metahuman?".

"Yeah or- or an alien, like Kory," he offered. 

"If she was like Kory those cops wouldn't be alive right now," Rachel disproved his theory. 

"Yeah, she doesn't really give me alien vibes," Quinn added on casually, dropping a few crackers into her mouth as she spoke. 

"She can fight, I'll give her that. Whoever she is, she's had training," Jason informed them, impressed by the skills he had seen. 

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