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Hank's death had hit the Titans hard. You would have thought that by now death didn't faze them, but it did and it affected each person differently.

Dawn was heart broken. So heart broken that she packed her things and left for Paris. Everybody knew it was the best thing for her to do, but it simply felt like another loss.

Conner only blamed himself. He couldn't save Hank and it crushed him, but his sadness was disguised with anger. He was angry that the all-powerful Superboy couldn't save the day and it ate him up inside.

Dick handled it in a very dignified way. He had experienced death the most out of everyone, but that didn't mean it hadn't hurt him. He lost one of his oldest friends at the hands of someone who he used to see as a brother. 

Kory and Gar were consumed with sadness. They felt Hank's absence in every way possible. They kept expecting to see him walk into the room or hear his voice, but there was nothing. Hank was well and truly gone.

And finally Quinn. All the girl felt was guilt, guilt that Hank had to be the one to go, not her. She felt useless being immortal while everyone around her left, it happened when Donna and Jason died and now Hank. She could have saved those lives with her never ending one, but she didn't.

The blonde was currently staring at her phone screen, chewing on her lip nervously. A phone number stared back at her while her thumb hovered over the dial button. She had been sat like that for ten minutes, slowly building up the courage to call.

The number belonged to none other than Jason Todd. 

After discovering that Jason was in fact alive, Quinn had a nagging feeling to go see him and it only grew as the days went on, especially after Hanks death. As clique as it sounds, Quinn felt that maybe she could be the one to get through to Jason, to figure out why he was doing all this and maybe get him back on their side. 

She wanted to call him and ask to meet, but she knew Jason and she knew it wouldn't be that easy. But she also knew that tracking him down without talking to him first would only anger him, he would feel like it was an ambush and refuse to talk to her. She didn't want that.

The girl didn't know what to do. She wasn't sure if going to see Jason would be a good thing, it may only stir up more problems and cause his rampage to spiral even more. But she wondered if maybe it wouldn't be so bad, she may get through to him and stop him from causing more damage and possibly reunite him with the others.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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