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A few minutes later, Jackson comes running into the field, seeing Lydia on the ground bleeding and Olivia crying by her side, pressing into the girl's wound. 

"What- what happened?" he asked and Olivia turned her head at him.

"Just help me get her out of here" he has never seen the girl so vulnerable, and it broke his heart to see Lydia in that state. He quickly picked the unconscious girl on his arms and he ran out of the field with her, Olivia running right behind. They ran into the school grounds, seeing lots of students there, now screaming and pointing at both teenagers coming out of the lacrosse field with a bloodied Lydia.

"Somebody help us!" Jackson screamed desperately. 

"Somebody call 911" Olivia screamed, right at Jackson's tail while he stood there with Lydia in his arms. 

A few minutes passed, while she left Jackson outside with Lydia, students around them and Olivia ran inside the school lot, making her way to the gymnasium to look for her purse on the table. 

A few students screamed, seeing her bloody dress and hands while she just ran, spotting Isaac sitting by the table, now looking at her with the most shocked expression on his face.

"What happened?" he asked, getting up while she almost jumped at the table for her purse and her phone inside. 

"Lydia-" she cried but couldn't get any more words out while she tried to call Stiles's phone with shaking hands, but he didn't pick up. 

"Olivia" she heard the coach saying behind her and she turned to him "What happened? Are you okay?" the music now had stopped, everyone remaining in the room looking at her.

"I'm fine, it's not my blood" she dismissed it "Lydia is hurt" she said trying to get out of there but the coach stopped her.

"Calm down okay? Just breathe and tell us what is going on" he said, but before she could say anything, they heard the ambulance and police sirens outside the school. 

She pushed past the crowd, running outside, some of the teachers and students right behind. She ran down the stairs, tears blurring her vision, but she clearly saw Jackson putting Lydia on the bed that they rolled inside the ambulance to take her to the hospital. 

"Jackson" she screamed at him and he turned, hand on his hair and blood on his white shirt. 

"They're going to take her to the hospital" he said and she nodded.

"Try to call Allison, I didn't see her inside the school. I'll call Lydia's mom" she said and he nodded, taking his phone out of his pocket.

After informing Natalie about what happened to Lydia, the coach and the other teachers around to hear it, she had to explain that Lydia was hurt and they found her on the lacrosse field. Jackson and her went to the hospital, she had to drive since Jackson was still a little intoxicated. Getting there, they went to the ICU, where they were informed that Lydia was staying and getting checked, since she still hasn't woken up. 

Both her and Jackson were standing in front of the glassed room Lydia was lying, connected with machines and her mom by her side. Olivia put her hand on her mouth, trying to suppress a sob seeing the state her best friend was in. She flinched when Jackson was being pressed on the glass by sheriff Stilinski, pointing a finger on the boy's face.

"What the hell happened to that girl?" he asked, almost barking at him.

"I- I don't know-" Jackson stuttered, shaking his head "I went out looking for her-" 

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