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Stiles was ignoring Scott because of what happened the other day at school. Olivia hated that, her two best friends not talking made her walk on eggshells, that's why she decided to not be on anyone's side. Stiles kinda had a right to be mad, but Scott also wasn't much at fault with what happened. 

Walking to class late, she eyed the room and spotted Scott sitting on the desk behind Stiles's. She sat on the vacant chair next to Scott and saw he was trying to get Stiles to talk to him. She put her head on the table, looking at both of them, Scott looked at her struggling to get Stiles's attention, and she just smiled encouraging him to keep trying, while the buzzed hair boy looked to the front still ignoring the boy behind him.

"You know I feel really bad about it?" Stiles still ignored him "Okay, what if I told you that I'm trying to figure this out? And that I went to Derek for help" he said and the girl looked at him furrowing her brows.

"If I was talking to you, I'd tell you that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you" Stiles simply said.

"Well, but I am" she said "You're an idiot, Scott" 

The boy pouted at her and dropped his head on the table and the class settled down to begin. A few seconds and a few sights later, Stiles whipped his head around to look at the boy, not taking much more of not knowing what was going on.

"What did he say?" he finally asked.

The girl smiled at them talking and Scott explaining what Derek said to him. The class passed fast, and she stepped into the hallway with the two boys.

"So, he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" she asked and he nodded at her.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that you try to kill someone. That someone usually being me" Stiles said sarcastic while they walked to the cafeteria.

"That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it" Scott explained.

"That's what I said to you before, but you never listen to me, do you?" she tilted her head at him and he sighed.

"How's he going to teach you to do that exactly?" Stiles asked, stopping them in the hallway.

"I don't know. I don't think he does either" 

"When are you seeing him again?" 

"He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day"

"When?" the buzzed hair boy asked annoyed.

"He's coming to get me at work. At the animal clinic" Scott informed.

"Okay. Then that gives us until the end of the day" Stiles looked at the girl that simply looked at him in disbelief.

"To do what?" the werewolf asked curiously.

"To teach you ourselves" Stiles turned to her with a determinant look on his face.

She simply scoffed at them, walking ahead to the cafeteria. She knew she had no choice but to help, but she was so done with that conversation. She entered the cafeteria and spotted Lydia and Allison sitting at a table and walked to them, dropping her things on the seat next to her and sighing.

"Hi" Allison said, smiling and then turning back to her books.

"What's wrong with you?" Lydia frowned while eating her chicken.

"Stiles is getting on my nerves like always" she rolled her eyes and unwrapped her sandwich she brought from home that day. School was providing them chicken meals since last week, and she was tired of it "What are you reading Ally?" she asked the girl.

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