· introduction ·

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Cindy Kimberly asOlivia Visser

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Cindy Kimberly as
Olivia Visser

Dylan O'brien asStiles Stilinski

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Dylan O'brien as
Stiles Stilinski

Every other cast members as their character.

• playlist for the whole series •

•here with me - susie suh, robot koch • someone to stay - vancouver sleep clinic • howling - ry x • i found - amber run • anchor - novo amor • where is my love - syml • promise - ben howard • forest fires - axel flóvent • adore you - harry styles • favourite thing - tim legend, sophie rose • ps2 - litany • dreaming of me - sir • lost love - run rivers • couldn't love you more - run rivers • life and death - snow patrol • same (alternate version) - josie dunne • ivy (cover) - janelle kroll

Hiii. So I'm posting this for now just to get it out of my system. I'm still writing the first season, but I'm almost finishing it. Also, please don't judge too much of my writing or if there was a spelling mistake. English is not my first language, and I haven't written a fanfic in five years. So yeah, just point it out where if it really bothers you during the reading, but I'll be making a proof reading before posting but somethings might slip past me, so I would appreciate if you guys could help me with that.

So, Olivia is a character that I created and love so much, and in this she will be playing love interest with Stiles. It will be a REALLY slow burn until they get together really, so bear with me. This first book is for you guys to understand their relationship, and the relationship Olivia has with the others characters. If something she does/say bothers you or if you think she is becoming so annoying that you are thinking of not reading this book anymore, PLEASE let me know!! Since I'm still writing the books, the character can grow and change her ways for the better. I want you all to enjoy the reading as much as I enjoy writing it. So give me feed back, it will be really appreciated.

So, that is it. See you in the first chapter and enjoy the reading :)

And please, don't be a ghost reader!

howling → stiles stilinski ⟨1⟩Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora