·CHAPTER 7 2/2·

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Climbing up the stairs, running as fast as they could, the teens spill out the door to the hallway into the second floor, and started to try out doors, but they were all locked, until Lydia finds an open one, and they all rushed inside the chemistry room, shutting at the door quickly and quietly, while Scott grabbed the teacher chair and pulled under the knob. They backed into the wall, as far and out of vision from the door as possible, each holding their breath while hearing someone walking down the hallway and passing the classroom they were in.

Scott leans in a little, but Stiles pulls him back a bit, and the werewolf just tilted his head a bit, listening to the hallway. A few seconds later they all breath out when they don't hear the walking anymore.

"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott asked him.

"Five if someone squeezes onto someone's lap" he replied and Allison scoffed, looking at the boy perplexed.

"Five? I barely fit into the back"

"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention" Stiles reminded them.

"What about this?" Scott asked after looking around the room and pointing at the steel door past the teacher's desk and they both got there, Liv getting a little closer to them "It leads to the roof. We could go down the fire escape to the parking lot in seconds" 

"But that's a dead bolt" Stiles said.

"The janitor has a key" 

"You mean his body has it" Liv said.

"I can get it" then he whispered so that only them could hear it, and not the other three teenagers listening to his plan "I can find him by scent. By blood" 

"Gee, that's an incredible idea. What else do you got?" Stiles said sarcastically.

"Yeah, Scott that's not…" Liv shook her head, totally not buying his idea.

"I'm getting the key" he said to the others, determination on his face.

"Are you serious?" Allison snapped at him.

"It's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we want to get out of here" he said to her 

"You can't go out there unarmed" she protested, trying to make him give up.

Scott looked around and grabbed the teacher's pointer from the chalkboard and gripped at it. He then noticed their looks of utter disbelief.

"It's better than nothing" he said.

"There's got to be something else" Stiles interrupted.

"There is" Lydia was looking at something behind them, and they turned to see the cabinet full of chemicals.

"What? Like throw acid on him?" Stiles asked dumbly.

"No, a firebomb" Liv said looking at Lydia. God, she loved her friend when she was not pretending to be stupid.

"In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov Cocktail" Lydia continued.

"Self-igniting…" Stiles said confused.

"Molotov Cocktail" she said it again and saw everyone looking at her surprised "What? I read it somewhere" she lied again and Liv just rolled her eyes.

"Well, we don't have the key to that either" Stiles said.

Jackson simply sighed and rolled his eyes before pushing his elbow through the glass, smashing it and making it easier for them to pull out the chemicals. Liv and Lydia moved to gather all they needed, putting on the counter and getting a container to put the firebomb. Lydia was the one to actually make the firebomb while Liv looked around the room for something to defend themselves when Scott step out of the room, just in case.

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