·CHAPTER 5 2/2·

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Parking at a vacant spot on the school lot, she got out of the car to see lots of parents heading out to their cars, the Argents by the stairs talking with Scott's mother. Well, they were in deep trouble now. She spotted her dad leaving the school talking to Lydia's parents, the three of them smiling, but before she could approach them, she heard a scream reverberating through the parking lot and she looked at what was going on.

She started to walk to her dad, looking to the sides trying to see why everyone was running to their cars and screaming in fear. She saw Allison in the middle of the road, and Scott screamed her name while he jumped to save her from being run over by a car that was leaving the lot. 

"Move, move!" she heard Mr. Stilinski saying, and saw him moving through the running people.

When he was passing behind a car with their headlights on, she knew what was going to happen, so she ran to him.

"Mr. Stilinski!" she screamed running, but it was too late for her to reach him, the car had already slammed into him, taking him down. The girl only stopped running when she is by his side and the man from the car is getting out to help the sheriff saying he didn't see him

"Are you okay?" she asked him and he only nodded, wincing a bit in pain, but he still sat down and pulled a hand onto his leg, taking a gun hidden there.

"Go behind the car and stay there" he said to her but she felt someone lift her up before she could protest.

Looking up, she saw her dad picking her up and telling her exactly what the sheriff said before, and he moved to help Stiles's dad from the ground, but before any of the men could do something about what was scaring all these people in the parking lot, they heard gunshots being fired. The girl turned her head to where the sound came from and saw Chris Argent standing there with his gun in hand, looking at the ground. 

She helped her dad take the sheriff to see what happened, since he had hurt his leg a little bit. They approached the circle of people surrounding the thing on the ground, and she saw. A mountain lion, struggling to breath with the bullets stuck on its body. She looked at her dad, and then she looked at Scott, that was with a scared look on his face, seeing the hunter and dad of his girlfriend with a gun in hand and he had just killed an animal without breaking a sweat. She thinks it was finally hitting him in how much danger he was if the Argents ever found out about him.


Her dad called an ambulance for Mr. Stilinski, even though he said it wasn't necessary. But Julian insisted, because Stiles's dad could barely take a step without wincing.

"I'll call Stiles on my way to the hospital" the girl said, squeezing his hand in the back of the ambulance and taking a step back after he nodded at her.

"Just- try to ease a little bit on the details so he won't freak out" he warned her.

"Yeah, I know" she smiled at him and the paramedics finally closed the doors, taking him to Beacon Hills Hospital.

Turning to her dad she sighed, while the animal control was taking the body of the animal from the parking lot, and most of the people have already left, including Scott and a very pissed off Melissa.

"I'm going to the hospital to keep Mr. Stilinski company until Stiles gets there" she said to her dad and he nodded.

"Come home right after he gets there okay?" he said giving her a hug and kissing her forehead while she nodded.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you anyways" she said to him and he pressed his lips together, because he knew what his daughter was up to that day.

"Yeah, me too" he said and she waved at him a few moments later, getting into her car and dialing Stiles's number while she drove fast to the hospital, putting him on speaker.

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