·CHAPTER 11 2/2·

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Stiles dropped her off at home after. Lydia and Allison lived closer to each other, so it was better if they didn't waste any time in getting ready. It was about to hit seven o'clock and Olivia was sitting on the couch, waiting for Isaac to come pick her up, her dad having just come out of the garage with a bag full of guns.

She lifted her eyebrows at him, and he simply shrugged, not saying anything. 

"Hey, I have an update about your mother" he said and she snapped her head at him, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen he was in, preparing something to eat. 

"Did you find her?" she asked and he pursed his lips together.

"Not exactly" he said and she frowned.

"What does that mean?" she was confused about her dad avoiding the simple question she was asking.

"She kinda… Moved again" he said.

"Are you serious?" she said, frustration lacing her words.

"That's not all" he said and she sighed, waiting for him to say what more there was "She might have figured out that we are looking for her, considering the fact that one of our hunters was found tied and gagged on her last residence after disappearing for two days with no contact" 

"Shit" she said and her dad sent her a look "Sorry" she sighed "Do you think it's possible that she might try to contact us? Like, she knows it's our family searching for her, but she doesn't know we are involved right?" she was optimistic for once.

"I don't know, honey. Right now, we are just trying to figure out if she left the country again, or if she just moved cities" he explained to her.

After a few seconds in silence, Olivia only looking at the counter in front of her, she nodded at her dad. She didn't need to say anything, he just knew that his daughter would come up with something again to track her mother down. They heard a knock on the door, and Olivia looked off in that direction, hidden by the corridor wall, but she knew it was Isaac. 

"Can you get the door for me, please? I'll go get my purse" she turned on her heels to the stairwell, but turned back again for her dad "Please, be nice with him"

Her dad frowned "What do you mean, is this not Stiles?" he pointed at the door and she shook her head slightly, but quickly turned again to go get her purse, leaving her dad to open the door to Isaac.

She entered the room, spotting her purse on her bedside table and quickly retrieved it, stepping out of the room just in time to hear her dad talking with Isaac, the boy's voice barely audible after her dad introduced himself. She made her way downstairs, her heels making herself being heard while Isaac's head snapped in her direction, mouth slightly open and wide eyes. 

"Hey" she said to him, smiling at his outfit. Navy blue and black shoes. 

"Hi" he said, almost like a whisper and still looking at her, eyes sparkling with excitement.

After a few seconds of them just staring at each other her dad cleared his throat and clasped his hands. 

"Well" he said looking at her daughter, a kind smile on his face "Have a wonderful night, sweetheart" he smiled and pulled her into a hug, that was kindly received.

"Thanks, dad" she said and he kissed the crown of her head, letting her go while she walked to Isaac's side, smiling at the boy.

Isaac was simply looking at her interaction with her dad, they seemed to have a great bond with each other, something he wished he had with his dad. The man almost didn't believe he was going to take a girl to the formal, much less, Olivia Visser. 

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