You Troublemakers (Sakata Gintoki)

Start from the beginning


"Ah, Ginko-chan and Ginji-kun! Did you tag along with your father for the job?" Hinowa greets happily as the two silver haired kids went up to greet her.

"No, Mommy told Daddy to look after us for the whole day!" Ginko excitedly beamed. "Oh, you're so cute!! Here, have a candy!!" Hinowa gushed happily, handing Ginko a lollipop.

"So, what's the job?" Gintoki lazily asked, munching on a dango. "Actually, it's a rather small task. Luckily it is, since we had no idea you brought the twins with you." Tsukuyo says, leaning against the wall and puffing out smoke from her mouth.

"Ginji, can you get the picture over there?" Tsukuyo pointed to the desk beside Ginji where a picture was laid face down.

"Dad told me if someone asks me to do something, I should receive money first."

"Gintoki, what have you been teaching your kids?!" Tsukuyo turned to Gintoki who casually shrugged his shoulders.

"That's the way to survive in life."


After getting beat up by Tsukuyo, Gintoki went with Ginji and Ginko to look for a cat— apparently it's the pet of the girl Seita likes and he wanted to find it for her.

"Keep your eyes open for a black cat with green eyes— If you find it catch it immediately and I'll buy you anything under 5 yen."

"That's too cheap." Ginji huffed while they walked along the streets, searching casually for the cat.


"It's Uncle Zura!!!" Ginko happily ran over to hug Katsura, who was dressed as a monk. "If it isn't Ginko-chan! You're still so cute~" Katsura laughs, holding Ginko up while Gintoki and Ginji approached him.

"Zura, have you seen this cat?" Gintoki lazily brought up the picture of Mr. Squiggles at which Katsura squinted his eyes at the picture.

"Unfortunately, I haven't." He shook his head and frowned. "Then get the hell away." Gintoki dead panned, making a shooing motion with his hand.


Gintoki's eyes widened as he quickly grabbed Ginko from Katsura's hands and in only a matter of seconds, a bazooka was fired at Katsura.


"Oh, look who we have here— A permhead whose breath smells like sugar." Hijikata smirked, marching up to Gintoki and the twins. "Tsk, he got away again." Okita came up behind Hijikata with a click of his tongue, his bazooka still resting on his shoulder.

"Oi! You cops should look where you're aiming that thing!" Gintoki protested fiercely, as he hugged Ginko protectively and Ginji close to him.

"Innocent civilians like us could be hurt you know!!" Gintoki yelled at him. "But, you weren't. Isn't that fine?" Hijikata sighs.

"Uncle Hiji, Mommy will kill you if she found out!" Ginko pouted at Hijikata who froze. "O-Oh, right...Hahahaha..." Hijikata nervously laughs.

"Dad, I think my head is dizzy....from the smoke..." Ginji placed a frail hand on his forehead and pretended to sway weakly.

"Look at what you did!! My poor son, you guys are dead. (Y/N) will kill you!" Gintoki says to Hijikata, who was now shaking but obviously trying to hide his nervousness.

"S-Say, if I buy you something, will you not tell your mother?..." Hijikata laughs nervously, bringing out his wallet. "Didn't you say you like sweets? Come on, I'll buy you a parfait." Hijikata offered to Ginji and Ginko, an awkward smile plastered on his lips.

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