I Think I'm Ready

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I sat up and stretched. I noticed a large fresh bouquet of roses in a vase on the dresser. I also noticed balloons floating. Damn am I really that much of a heavy sleeper?

I reached for my phone and sent 'thank you' messages and called my family. "The big 2 3!" Cheered dad. "So hows everything going?" Asked my mom, smile dropping. "Really good. We're in a good place. Still working on it." She sighed. "You look really happy. That's all that matters." She said.

"So are you guys together again?" Asked B. We haven't really talked about it.. I mean we're still sleeping in separate rooms. "I don't know. Like I said, we're still working on it."

I heard the doorknob twist. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you guys soon. Thank you, I love you." I said after catching up some more

"Happy birthday baby." He smiled as he carried a tray of food in. He set it down and joined me for breakfast in bed.

"Okay so a few of the guys are coming over later tonight for your birthday. But don't worry, they've all been tested." We were tested a while back as well. We don't go out unless it's necessary to go out and even then, we normally do online shopping.

"I told you it's no big deal." I said and he smiled. "I know mama, but it's your birthday. We had to do something. Even if it's just a few of us." I smiled. He's so cute.

As we finished eating, he reached for his phone. "Shit.. I gotta go. Michael's dumbass needs help. I'll be quick okay?" He pecked my lips. "Be careful." I said and he nodded.

After washing the dishes, I got bored so I did a little home workout then took a quick shower. I was surprised because Gerald still wasn't home by the time I got out. I detangled my hair and when I finished, that's when he sent me a text.

Go upstairs. I have a surprise for you, but I need to set it up. I'll come get you. NO PEEKING ALY I SWEAR

I told him no presents!! God he loves to piss me off.

I could hear shuffling around. He said to stay upstairs, but never said it had to be in the room.

"Oh you little." He squinted as he saw me at the top of the stairs. I just laughed. "Eyes closed. I'll help you down." I huffed and rolled my eyes before closing them. When we reached the bottom, he stood behind me and covered my eyes to make sure I wasn't peeking.

"Okay." He removed his hands and my gaze shot over to the big box in front of me. I turned to him and he smiled. "Open it!" His eagerness made me smile. "I'm scared." I whispered and he laughed.

I reached for the lid and felt the box move. "I swear if something pops out at me, I will cry." He wiggled his eyebrows. I took a deep breath before taking the lid off.

My jaw dropped and my heart grew rainbows and released unicorns. "No! Really?! For me!?" I asked growing emotional. "I figured if I can't give you a baby right now, we can still have a fur son together." ITS A BOY!!!

I plopped down on the floor and took the puppy out of the box. "Why are you crying?" He laughed as the puppy cuddled into my chest. "He's so cute." I pouted.

"He's a Doberman, 2 months old."

"You asshole! You clipped his ears?!" Poor baby. "No, it was done before I got him."

I stood up with him in my arms. "I love him. Thank you." I got on my tippy toes and he bent down to kiss me. He wiped my tears as I pulled back. "What are you gonna name him?" He asked. Shit. That's always the hard part. "I don't know." I pulled him up. What does he look like?

He licked my nose which made my heart melt. "I can't think of anything right now." He chuckled. "It's okay. Let me go unload the car.. I might've gone a little overboard and already spoiled him..." He said and I laughed.

Gerald's POV-
After bringing everything in, I saw her laying on the floor and playing with him. I didn't think a dog would make me love her even more. If I'm feeling like this over a dog, imagine when we have a baby?

She never left his side at all. Right now she's getting ready for tonight and I think he's up there with her because I can't find him.

Aly's POV-
Gerald opened my door and smiled at the sleeping puppy. "I finally came up with a name." His face lit up. "Let's hear it."


"Cash?" He asked and I nodded. "You and I are always listening to Johnny Cash." He smiled. "I love it." He said walking over to me.

"Listen.. I think we're in a good place right now. And now I don't know your take on it. You can shoot it down, but I wanna put a title on us again." He scratched the back of his neck.

I think... I'm ready..

"Okay." His face shot up. "Okay?" He asked and I smiled. "Yes." I laughed walking out of the room as the doorbell rang.

Kossi, Dakari, Dusty and Michael. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALY!!" They each engulfed me into a hug.

"Y'all woke our son up." Gerald came down with Cash in his hands. "Oh shit for a second I was like what the fuck, since when did you have a baby? Man gave me a heart attack." Said Kossi and I laughed.

"GIVE ME MY NEPHEW." Dakari went and took him from Gerald. "Okay, ima go start on dinner." Said Dusty. I looked at him and he smiled. "Sorry Aly, but I had already told Gerald I'm in charge of the kitchen tonight." I love these guys.

"Aly! Come up here!" Gerald called from upstairs. "Birthday present?" Kossi made an inappropriate gesture and I laughed. I walked into his room and he was looking at his laptop. He waved me over and I took a seat on his lap. "Suzanne!!" She sent me a text earlier. "Happy birthday baby!" I miss her so much. We got to talking for a bit when Gerald decided to introduce her to her new fur grand baby. Honestly, at this point, I can't tell who's more excited for the puppy.

Gerald's POV-
Dinner was great, but Aly had waaayyyy too much to drink. And Michael.. and Kossi.. and Dakari.. they kept drinking into the night.

Aly drunkenly made tiktok's with the guys. Dusty and I just watched and had a great laugh.

"Y'all gotta spend the night." I said. They're way too fucked up.

"Ooooouuuu sleep over!! Yay!!" Cheered Aly. "We gotta get to bed." I said as she yawned. "Okkaaaayyy." She sighed. She stood up and stumbled so I picked her up. "Goooooooood night boyyyssss." She waved.

As I turned to make my way to the stairs, she wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest. She really does have my heart.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked me as I reached the last step. I can hear the exhaustion in her voice. "Of course baby." I laid her down and went to grab her makeup wipes. By the time I got back, she was asleep.

After I made sure she had no makeup whatsoever, I changed her and crawled in next to her. I felt her move around and next thing I knew, she climbed on top of me and made herself comfortable on me.

I moved the hair from her face and heard her lightly snore.

The tears filled my eyes and I couldn't hold them in any more.

I will never forgive myself for hurting her. She might've forgiven me, but I won't forgive me. I really don't deserve her.. she needs someone better.

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