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Gerald has been texting me non stop since he left yesterday. He has an appearance in New York. I've been tagging along to all of his shows since my job doesn't require me being stationary, but I'm 8 months pregnant and my body cannot handle flying anymore.

This is his first night going out without me... I get that he wants to make me feel comfortable, but textin me every little thing he's doing is getting a little annoying. I appreciate it, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I know what he may be capable of doing..

Plus he asks me if I'm feelin okay with the pregnancy every 5 minutes. It's so cute to watch him worry over everything. Don't get me started on how excited he gets when the baby kicks or how he talks into my belly all the time or how he clinks and cheers his glass or beer bottle to my stomach before sipping. He's super invested which I never expected. I mean considering how he acted with the false child before knowing she wasn't his.. I don't know.

Anyways, I'm still nervous on how he'll do tonight. He's a grown man. He's got a fiancé. He's got a child on the way. He wouldn't want to jeopardize that.. would he? Sometimes I feel like this is all too much for him. He's G-Eazy. Did anyone actually expect him to settle down? No. Which is what scares me. What if he realizes he doesn't want this?

Oh stop it Aly, it's the hormones talking.

I adjusted the maternity pillow and got comfortable. I don't even remember what life was like before being pregnant. I've learned so much about myself because of this baby. As much as I love being pregnant, I need this little sucker out.

-Next Day-

I reached for my phone as I yawned. A missed call and a voicemail from Gerald. I hit speaker and then hit play. "Heeyyyyy bayyybbbeeee." He was drunk and still in the club, I can clearly hear the music in the back. I mean I can't be upset, he's done so much, he deserved to let loose. "I jus wann ta call an Say I love you. I misssss yooouuu and I missed clinking with my buddy and- bitch getcho hands off me! I got a wife!" A wife. That made me smile. I can't wait to be his wife.

"Can you believe these hoes baby? S M H." I laughed. "Anywaaayyyysss, I love you and I miss you and I will be home sooner than you know!" The voicemail ended and I caught myself smiling. He seems to know where his priorities lay. It's so good to know he's done being a hoe. I sent him a quick text and laid there reflecting on the last couple of months.

Gerald really is excited about this baby. Everything Jacob could need, he's got double. So I wanted to name our son after my brother and so did Gerald, so we went with the one thing they both have in common... J.

Anyways, Gerald's already stocked up on materials and tools to baby proof the house for when Jacob starts crawling. He's so invested and is already such an amazing dad. It's truly shocking. Comparing the Gerald I met years ago, to the Gerald now, such a huge difference in many ways.

Everyone in my family is honestly super excited for this baby. I think one of my main concerns is how my son will get along with my new son. Cash doesn't leave my side at all. He's always been gentle with me and rough with Gerald because he rough houses with him when they play, but Cash has been extremely gentle lately. He lays his head on my lap or my chest now instead of my stomach like before. He gets aggressive if someone he doesn't know comes near me. It's so cute actually. It's wild to me how much an animal loves you.

-May 23rd-

"You guys can still go party." I said feeling bad. "This is the first time y'all ain't out partying for your birthdays." I pouted. James and Suzanne have been staying with us for a few days now. I really wanted her here for when I give birth and so did she. Even Bianca and Evan flew out this morning from New York just to be here for us.

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