Cha Ching part 1

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The first thing I did was meet up with Jamil and then had to sign so many papers. We went to the label and signed more contracts.

"So Kehlani wants to buy the song completely from you. Rights and all. She could easily offer you 10K for it." 10K for a song?

"But... if the song slaps and blows up, she can make millions from it and you ain't gonna profit shit. Yeah 10K's poppin, but compared to what she'll be making? My advice is to give it to her, but give credit to you as a songwriter. That way you get royalty checks. If she makes millions, you get a good portion of it. It's all about thinkin smart. I know it could sound great, 10K for one song, you can easily make so much more than that if you're credited."

This is so much to handle.

"Gerald fucks with you heavy, he's giving you a higher percentage of the profit than what he's giving the features. The album has made millions now, oh which reminds me, I have one check for you, but it's only gonna go up... technically the percentage is up to Kehlani. It's your job to bargain for what you think would be good. As your manager, I obviously want you to secure the bag, but someone like Kehlani? I can tell she'll end up working with you again, she's eager about that song. I wouldn't go too high."

I'm not doing it for the money. I genuinely love writing. Yeah money is nice and all, but like I told Gerald, I'ma stay me. We gotta help each other out. "I'll take 10%. With Bebe too. 20% for both songs she wants." At the end of the day, I have a family I'd like to help out.

He nodded. "I'll be on it and I'll keep you updated. Here's your first check for the album. You'll continue getting some for a long time." He handed me the envelope. "Go ahead, open it."

I looked at him in disbelief. "Please tell me there's a typo." He chuckled. "You deserve it. Come on, let's go cash out."

I held my tears in until we got back to the car. I broke down as I held all the cash. This is so overwhelming.

I walked into my house shaking. Luckily no ones home. B and Julian are at school and my parents are working. This gives me time to think of what to say when they get home.

Bianca's POV-
I opened the front door and everybody's in the living room looking at each other. "Is this an intervention?" Julian and Aly laughed. "Alegra has something to tell us." Said dad. "You're pregnant!" I cheered and my mom glared at me. "That better not be it Alegra." She threatened. "No! Come on!"

"Okay so the first check came in..." she took a deep breath. She reached behind the recliner. "This is to pay off the restaurant and personal debts." My moms flushed. She's pale and her lips are quivering. Dad stood up and walked away. He's never liked to cry in front of us.

"Aly.. how much is that?" Asked Julian. "100,000"

"Aly, no." Mom started. "Tómalo, ten (take it, here)." Mom slowly extended her arm. Dad came back in, blood shot eyes. "Alegra-" "I'm not done. Sit down."

"This ones to pay off the house." She handed dad an even bigger stack. He burst out in tears. Mom began shaking. They hugged her tight and she began to cry. Julian and I even got emotional.

"Okay, don't think I forgot about you two. Julian, next weekend we're all gonna accompany you as you car shop. You do have a budget of $40,000, I want to pay it full."

"Shut up.." he said in disbelief. He cried and hugged her. "I love you." She smiled. "I love you too Julian."

"And you, it's not much, but you get the last $40,000 to pay off your loans." Not much? Is she fucking kidding me? "20/20. You need to keep some." She shook her head no. "I don't need it." No! She needs to keep some!

"What about your car?"

"My cars under dads name. Money I gave them for debts, it's in there." My emotions took over. "It's not gonna cover all of your loans, but the next check will. And it will cover your tuition for Parsons, so make sure you do your best to apply and get accepted. Gerald wants to help you out. He wants you to design something for him so you can use it for your portfolio." No way! No fucking way!

Aly's POV-
She ran over to her room, I'm pretty sure to start designing. Dad built her a whole studio in there. Which is why she took over the garage as her room.

"She's right. What about you?" Asked Julian and I threw my arm over him. "Don't worry about me. I was doing okay without that money before. I'll be okay now. Plus..." I told them about Jamil and the label. "So now Bebe Rexha and Kehlani are going to use my songs."

"Kehlani is such a babe." Dad said and my mom smacked him. I just laughed, he's not wrong though. "But see, I'll be okay. Oh and don't worry about college, I got you." I smiled at Julian. "And you two don't have to worry about the mortgage now. Next check is going to my nina to help her out. And we'll take it from there. I wanna help out the ones who helped raise me. We'll send some to Mexico." My mom smiled. "You have a heart of gold."

"That's how you guys raised me." I shrugged.

"Annnddd we could franchise the restaurant. Maybe get other employees so we're not always missing family parties. Maybe open the antojitos restaurant like you guys wanted."

"Slow down mamas. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine now." Said dad. "I just don't want you guys to struggle anymore."

"We're about to pay off our debts. The restaurant has always been a hit. Even more now that Gerald periodically drops by." They love him.

"We're set. Worry about you. You've got one semester left. What are you gonna do?" I sighed.

One more semester left and I'll graduate with my AA. "I've always wanted to go to a 4 year to make you guys proud-"

"Look. We've always wanted the best education for you. But your career is taking off and at such a young age. Why not take online classes for your bachelors? Take a few classes at a time. Even one at a time. It'll take a long time to get your bachelors, but at least you'll know you have something to fall back on in case this doesn't go the way you plan." He's right. I don't need to be stressing especially when I'm taking off.

"I'll do that.."

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