No One's Business

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I woke up to Gerald's phone ringing. He sat up and answered it, flying out of bed. "She's in labor."

I'm not allowed to go. She doesn't want me near her. Gerald said whether she likes it or not, I will be a part of their daughters life though.

"I love you." He kissed me. "I love you." I whispered. It's real now. It's really real..

It's been a few months and I still have not clarified anything to my family other than my parents, my godparents, and Oscar. It's no one's business honestly.

I have been getting dragged even more on social media for staying with Gerald. I'm being called stupid, an idiot, the list goes on, all because they don't have the facts straight.

Gerald and I have invested so much into this child. Time, money and emotions. He bought the girl a two bedroom apartment just so the baby can have her own room. Everything a baby could need, she probably has double.

I can't read him though.. I don't know if he's excited or not.. I feel like that idea of him not being the dad is so implanted into his and Suzanne's brains that he's really not feelin this child, which makes me sad.

I called Cash up and had him fill Gerald's spot on the bed. It's really real now.. I'm going to see less of Gerald now that he's gonna spend more time with her and their baby..

I guess I'm scared too..

He's been spending a huge amount of time with her.. he goes to her appointments with her.. Whenever she calls him, he's there. I don't know, I guess that thought will always be in the back of my head.. What if he wants her at the end?

-Next Day-

My phone rang. Gerald. "She finally gave birth." I took a deep breath in. "Congratulations Gerald."

"I'm having them do a DNA test on the baby. I'll get the results next week. I'm coming home to shower later then packing a bag. Ima stay with her at the hospital tonight and tomorrow to help her adjust."

Yup. I'm scared now. Really scared.

"Okay.." I whispered. "What's her name?" I gulped. "The baby? She named her Olive." Olive.. cute.

"I bet she's beautiful."

"Babies look like aliens, but okay." I laughed. "Asshole." I added and he chuckled.

"I love you Aly."

"I love you Gerald."

I don't know why, but I grew emotional.

No Aly, you will not get in your own head.. I grabbed Cash and put his leash on.

Mid walk, I was bombarded by paparazzi. All aggressively asking questions. They literally surrounded me and wouldn't let me move. So I did what I had to do to leave. I set Cash free. They dispersed in a matter of seconds.

"Good boy!" I gave him a treat as he came back to me. We jogged home and I set him free in the backyard.

I got to thinking.. I grabbed him again and we went to my house.

My mom broke down when she saw me. I sat down and vented to my family.

"You don't even know if he's the father or not." Said B. "And what if he is?" She looked down. Exactly.

"I thought I'd feel better about this situation, but I just.. I don't know."

My phone rang. "Hello?"

"Where'd you go?"

"I'm at my parents house.. I'll be staying here for the next couple of days.." I heard him sigh. "I love you."

"I love you too." I gulped. "I'll see you soon."

"Okay." I whispered.

I went and fell to the floor. Cash came running to me. "I'm okay!" I laughed rolling on to my stomach. "All I'm gonna say is if you can't fully support him, don't commit." Said mom. "I do support him. I support the baby. I just can't support her. Part of me doesn't want him to be the dad. Part of me feels like he is. I'm just afraid. We're finally in a good place, but what if he chooses her?" My voice cracked as I teared up again. Cash came to his momma's rescue and licked my face to try and cheer me up.

"On another note, he has that idea rooted in his head. He doesn't think he's the dad. So if she is his, I don't want the baby to grow up like cousin Mel you know." Cousin Mel's dad doesn't even acknowledge her because till this day, he thinks he's not her dad, despite her being a spitting image of him. Apart from the daddy issues, she suffers from depression because of it. I guess I'm just tryna save this little girl from that if Gerald is the dad.

"You have a big heart mija. Solo dios sabe. If you think he's worth it, you gotta stick with him all the way. If you don't think he's worth it, come back home." Said my mom.

I sat up and sighed. "I just need a distraction. He's gonna be with her the next couple of nights and my minds wandering."

"Oooouu I have the perfect distraction!" Said B. Her bedroom door opened and in came Evan. I ran to him and hugged him. "Sit." I said as I heard Cash come after me. "Sorry I was gonna come out sooner, but you sounded very sad so I let you vent." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?!" He smiled. "Florida's a shit hole right now. Plus I missed my girls." He squeezed me a little tighter.

My phone buzzed. Gerald sent me a picture of Olive. She's cute! I don't know why, but I always pictured his kids to have the Gillum nose, so it's weird to see Olive's cute little button nose.

I heard my bedroom doorknob twist. I sat up and turned my lamp on. Evan was a little startled, but crept in quietly and slowly closed the door... uhhhh what is going on?

He placed his index finger over his puckered lips as he sat down next to me on my bed.

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