Cloud 9

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-2 Weeks Later-

Paris has been a dream. Grady and Michael left a few days ago and now, unfortunately so do we.

"Au revoir! Merci!" I waved at the driver and he returned the gesture with a smile. "You're a quick learner I see." Chuckled Gerald. "Oui oui." I said and they laughed as we boarded the jet.

"We're going back to New York. I want you to see Bianca before we head home." He said and I smiled. I reached for his face and kissed him. He's the best.

I had taken a nap and when I woke up, I noticed BJ was sleeping too. I looked over at G who's already looking at me.

I stretched and yawned. I stood up and brushed past him, getting ahold of his hand. He didn't even question it and followed me. When I turned back to look at him, he was smiling.

Mile High club member? Check.


-New York-

"I'm busy all of tomorrow, but I'll see you the following day." He bent down to kiss me. I just smiled. I've been on cloud 9 since we got to Paris.

He hugged Bianca goodbye and left. I was finally able to spill everything about Paris.

"Everyday? Bitch your sex drive has never been that high." I smiled. "He has that power." I shrugged. He brings my sexual fantasies to life, every single one of them. "Well I'm happy for you... but how are you gonna break the news to Stefan?" I sighed.

"I'm not gonna engage. I'm sure he'll notice the shift." I hope... "I'll tell him when I see him." I bit my lip.

-2 Days Later-

I texted G before slipping on my jewelry. I told him where we'd be tonight.

I fixed my dress and tightened my ponytail. B and I made plans with our friends to hit the club.

 B and I made plans with our friends to hit the club

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Bianca nudged my side and pointed. I turned as Gerald was scanning the room as him and the boys walked to VIP. I stood up and walked over. "Aly!"

"Dakari!" I ran over and hugged him. I haven't seen him in a hot minute. I greeted everyone else and saved the best for last. He bent down and kissed me which made my stomach flip. I pulled back and smiled. "Bring your girls over here." He said and I shook my head. "I got them a table. I don't want anyone tryna use you for clout." He smiled and kissed my head.

We were an hour in when I turned to check up on B. She's out on the dance floor dancing with the girls. "Go." I heard G say. "Huh?" I turned to him. "Go dance." I smiled and kissed him before running to the girls.

I felt a hand on my ass.. that's not Gerald's hand.. I know it. I turned and it's Stefan with Luca and Franco. I gulped. "Aly wassup?!" Luca hugged me and I laughed. Franco hugged me then Stefan did... I looked up and Gerald's fuming as he's making his way over.

Fuck fuck FUCK. Shit!

I pulled Stefan back and took a step forward. "Ger-"

"Nope." Jesus Christ. "Wait. Gerald. He doesn't know that I'm not single-"

"I don't give a fuck... the fuck you think you're doin?!" He pushed Stefan. Of course Luca and Franco stepped up. "Wait hold on!" People are now forming around.

"Gerald don't-"

"The fuck is your problem?!" Stefan pushed back. I'm gonna cry. I see BJ, Dakari and Michael coming over now.

Without saying a word, Gerald swung at Stefan. "Stefan!" I ran over as he fell to the floor. I looked over as BJ kept Luca and Franco back. I turned over to Gerald who's glaring at me. "Fuck you too." He said before turning around.

I stood up and walked over to him. "Gerald." I grabbed his arm, but he yanked it away. "Go back to him." He sounds so hurt. "Gerald-"

"You picked his side. Fuck you." He walked away. I turned as the guys made their way over and Michael just looked down. Did I really just lose the best thing that's ever happened to me?

"Alegra." Bianca hugged me and that's when I realized I was crying. "The owners calling the cops." Shit.

I ran back to Stefan. "Are you gonna press charges?" God please don't. "Fuck yeah I am! What the fuck was that?!" I want to cry even more.

"Don't.. please." I choked. "Look I get that he's your friend, but I'm fucking bleeding Aly." He spit blood out. Fucking Gerald.

"He's my boyfriend." Well actually it's not looking like it at the moment. Stefan's eyes widened. "How the fuck was I supposed to know that?!" Everyone began to flee as the music turned off and cops came in. "I'm sorry Aly, but he laid hands on me first."

"Please Stefan." I cried and begged. He opened his mouth, but the owner walked over with two cops. He turned back to look at me as they walked away with him to ask questions. "We should go." Bianca said..

As soon as we entered the apartment, I threw my heels at the fucking wall. I pretty much cried half of my makeup off so I went and washed my face to clean the rest and to cool it off.

Gerald won't answer my calls or texts and my anxiety is through the roof just thinking about Stefan's decision. I researched assault and battery charges in New York.

Bianca won't go to sleep until I do, but honestly, I can't even stop crying. I don't know why it hurts this much. I've never felt like this.

Someone knocked on the door and Bianca's head shot over to me as I flew.

"Ger- Stefan." I'm a little disappointed.

"I just wanted to come tell you in person.. I didn't press charges." Oh thank God. Gerald doesn't need this right now. I was quick to hug him. "And I also came to apologize." He said as I stepped back. "I didn't know you were taken off the market." I shook my head. "You don't have to apologize. I should've told you sooner, but I wanted to tell you in person too."

"I'm also sorry for ruining your relationship.." I sighed. Yeah me too. "But are we cool?" He asked and I nodded as I gave him a weak smile. "Thank you." He nodded. "I'll see you around Aly." I sighed of relief when I closed the door.

I texted Michael and he said I should let G cool off... this is gonna be a long night.

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