Leg Shaking, Nail Biting

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-Next Morning-

I haven't slept. I've been terrified to. Every time he moved around, I freaked out. So I sat on the chair in the corner of the room and watched him sleep. I checked the time what felt like every second, but each time it would jump an hour.

My stomach growled and I sighed. I'm so hungry, but I can't eat.. not when he's like this. I checked the time again. 12.

At 1, I couldn't take it anymore so I called the kitchen. I didn't want to leave his side so I didn't want to make something in the suites kitchen.

I ordered food for him so he can try to eat when he wakes up.

The only time I left him was to use the bathroom and to grab the food. As I ate, I texted and updated Suzanne and Bianca.


My leg's shaking from the anxiety. I should've taken him to the hospital fucking shit Aly. He's clearly not okay. For the first time in my life, I bit my nails. I've never been the type to get anxiety and here I am, leg shaking, nail biting.

I snapped out of it when he rolled over so fast. He reached for the trash can. I ran over and rubbed his back. Oh my God he's sweating.

He was throwing up for quite a while which concerned me. I reached for my phone ready to dial 911, but I heard him stop.

He slowly sat back up. He rested his head on the headboard, eyes closed. I reached for his hand and his eyes bolted open. He turned to look at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

His hand began to shake.. I brought it up to my cheek. "It's you.." He struggled to say and I smiled as a tear escaped. He opened his mouth, but quickly ran, well stumbled, to the bathroom.

I walked inside and he tried to wave me away. Did I listen? No. He sat down hugging the toilet, so I sat down and hugged him. When he stopped throwing up, I handed him a water bottle.

He washed his mouth a few times and I helped him back to the bed. "I can take you to the hospital." He shook his head slightly. "My heads pounding."

"I can't give you medication right now Gerald. I don't know what you took and it's still in your system... I got you soda, drink it up. It'll help you feel better." I brought the cup up to his face and directed the straw towards his mouth. He took a small sip.

"You have to eat G." He shook his head again. "You gotta eat. I had them bring up applesauce, mashed bananas, crackers and chicken broth."

"I can't." He closed his eyes. "Gerald, you have to. Please." He sighed. I grabbed the applesauce and he took one spoonful before shoving my hand away.

He stayed sitting up and I joined him. "Who ya texting?" He asked. "Your mom. She's worried." He sighed. "You've been talking to my mom?"

"She called me hysterically crying last night G. She's worried. Not gonna lie, I worried too. Then seeing you like that..." I choked up. I felt his hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "You're okay now. That's all that matters." He didn't give me much of a reaction. Instead he went and threw up again.

That's how we spent the rest of the day. I would feed him little by little and he would go throw up. I suggested to go to the hospital, but he wouldn't let me take him.

I called Bianca and told her I'd stay the night again.

I had dinner by myself in the living room. I didn't want the smell of solid food to upset his stomach even more.

I walked back in and yawned due to the lack of sleep. I am now running nearly two days without sleep.

"Did you sleep at all?" He asked. He seems a bit better, still very pale. Well more than usual. He hasn't thrown up in 2 hours so we've made progress. "Nope." He patted the area next to him. I smiled and went and sat next to him.

"Do me a favor... drink some more Gatorade please." He sighed, but did it. I laid my head on his lap, facing him. His left hand caressed my cheek and hair as he stared down at me. "Go to sleep. I can take care of myself." Yeah clearly.

"I can't.. I'm worried." He smiled. "Go to sleep. I feel a bit better. Not as nauseous. I promise I'll keep eating a little bit every now and then." I smiled as I adjusted myself on the bed.

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