Chapter 17

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Halfway through their set I decided I would go see cc.I stood up from where I was sitting,"i'll be back later Drew!" i called out as I walked to the exit of the stage.I walked as fast as I could to Black Veil Bride's tour bus.I knocked on the door hoping someone would answer.The door flew open and cc stood there in nothing but his boxers.

"Uhh,hey Emm,i'll go change and uh? come in." his face went red as i giggled at the sight.I walked in making sure to close the door behind me.Their tour bus was nice and cold unlike the heat outside.I threw myself onto the comfortable couch and layed there looking at the roof.

A few moments later I heard footsteps getting closer."Okay." is all cc said.I turned my head to look at him."What do you want to do?'' he asked."ICECREAM!" i yelled as i jumped off the couch."TO ICECREAM AND BEYOND!" cc yelled as he dragged me to the door.

He opened the door and dragged me out into the hot air."It's too hot." i complained as we walked out of the warped tour grounds."Stop complaining." he poked my cheeks."Poke my cheek again and i'll bite your hand off." i teased.He raised an eyebrow and a big smile came across his face as he poked my cheek again.I turned my face and bit his finger."Ow.What the fuck?'' he jumped back.I couldn't control my laughter.He started running away from me."Cc Noooo! come back,you complete me B2!" i yelled as i chased after him like a mad man.

"Never!" he continued to run while he looked behind him."Oh shit!" he yelled as he ran into an old lady.I collapsed onto the floor in laughter while he helped the lady up.The old lady hit him with her bag and walked past me.''You..Oh my god.." i pointed at him while i continued to laugh in the middle of the footpath.I stood up slowly and walked to his side.

"That was so funny." i said as i wiped the tears from my eyes. "It was not funny,she hit me with her bag,that's abuse." he yelled.I couldn't hold it in anymore.I bursted out with laughter and cc just shook his head.

"WE'RE HERE!" he scared the shit out of me."ICE-CREAM!" i yelled as we skipped into the ice-cream shop.I put my hand and face to the glass like a five year old as i looked at all the magnificent flavors."What are you doing?'' cc chuckled. My eyes were glued to all the different flavors,i took no notice of his question."Hello uh-" the lady behind the counter said. I looked up at her,"What never seen a grown person love icecream?'' I jokingly asked.

She smiled a bit,"Well yes,i have,but no one but young kids have been as excited as you are." she chuckled. "cc,what are we going to get?'' I asked excitedly. "Cookie dough icecream!" he raised one arm up in the air,like a super hero."What about you?'' he asked as he did a little spin.

I looked back at all the flavors,i didn't know what to choose."I think ill get a-----------------------" i stood there staring again,it was such a hard decision.While I decided what I wanted cc got his one. I finally decided on getting the Cookies and handed the lady a $10 note and we got our ice-creams.We skipped out of the ice cream store happily and sat on the bench on the sidewalk.

"This is amazing." i said as i took another lick of my icecream.I looked over to cc who was biting his icecream like there was no tomorrow. "How do you eat an ice-cream without it hurting your teeth,even looking at you do that it's hurting mine" i pouted. A big grin came across his face as he took another bite.I slapped his arm and his ice cream dropped on his pants.

I bursted out with laughter as he realized it had dropped on his crotch."Nice accident." i pointed at his pants. "My icecream." he pouted. He took the melting icecream off his lap and threw it in the bin that was next to us.He was still stuck with a sticky mess on his pants,and no it's not the sticky mess that you sick minded people could be thinking about. 

I poked my tongue out at him,"I still have mine." 

A big grin came across his face as I went to lick it.He grabbed my ice-cream and took a bite from it."No Fair!" i yelled. "It's not fair that you knocked mine onto my pants and now im left with a white mess on my pants." He took another bite of my icecream.I tried snatching it from him but it didn't work.He took another bite and i quickly grabbed it. " germss." i poked his cheeks,knowing it would annoy him. "Pshh...Any other girl would be dying to eat an icecream that i ate." he proudly said.I shrugged my shoulders and finished eating the ice cream.

Love Isn't Always Fair [Jayy von monroe and black veil brides fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now