Purple Guy x Autistic! Teen! Reader

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PG Pov:

While walking to work I noticed someone sitting on a bench.

They looked like they were still in high school.

I stop and take a seat next to them.

"Hey." I say with a small smile.

They don't say anything. I wonder what's wrong.

"Shouldn't you be at school right now?" I ask, "You're gonna get in trouble if you skip."

I still don't get a word from them. I didn't see them take a quick glace at me, but nothing more.

"Is it bullies? Teachers being assholes? Getting into fights?" I say trying to think of anything at this point.

"B-Bullies." they say still looking down.

They spoke! Finally I'm getting somewhere.

"Bullies can be tough, but you can't let them get to you." I say, "How about I take you to school and you show me who it is?"

They shake their head no, "That w-won't help." they say.

Y/n Pov:

"Then how about you come to work with me?" he says, "I can't just leave you here."

He holds out his hand in front of me.


I take his hand and we stand up and begin walking.

I don't know why, but I feel I can trust him.

We walking into this pizzeria place and it's really loud.

"L-Loud... Too loud." I say cling to the guy.

"We'll go to the office. It'll be better." he says and be walk towards the back.

We walk into an office and once he closes the door it's much better.

I sit in a chair by the desk and he sits in the chair behind the desk.

"So what's your name?" he asks with a smile.

"Y-Y/n L/n sir." I say.

"No need for sir Y/n, just call me William." he says.

"Okay W-William." I say and hug my knees a bit.

"What school do you go to?" he asks.

I keep quiet and look at the ground.

"You don't have to tell me." he says, "I'm just trying to help."

"That's w-what e-everyone says..." I say.

"I'm guessing the teachers aren't much help?" he says.

I shake my head, "They don't care." I say.

"I know that. They don't give a shit." he says.

"You know..." he begins to say, "If the teachers won't help next time just bring a big rock and throw it at the bullies head."

I begin to laugh a bit, "Not a bad idea, but I don't wanna kill them." I say.

"Then a small rock?" William says with a laugh.

I smile, "Yeah that's a bit better." I say.

"Thanks a lot William. Not many people can make me laugh. Let alone actually come up and talk to me." I say looking at him with a smile.

"No problem Y/n." he says.

"In fact." he writes something down on a piece of paper and hands it to me, "if you need anything just call me."

I hold the paper and look at it, "Thanks I will." I say.

I look up at the clock, "I should get home." I say and stand up.

"See ya Y/n." he says.

"Bye William." I say and give him a small wave before leaving.

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