Charlie Afton x Reader

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Charlie Pov:

I was walking back home from the pizzeria and I started walking past an alley.

I stop right in front of the alley since I thought I saw something move.

I slowly step into the alley and look around.

I look behind a dumpster and see someone.

They look about my age, why are they here and not at home?

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask looking at them.

They get startled and back against the brick wall.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm wondering if you're okay." I say softly.

They shake their head and ease up a bit.

"Why aren't you at home or with friends?" I ask.

They just keep quiet and shake their head.

Well I can't just leave them here.

Y/n Pov:

The girl starts to get closer and I get a bit scared again.

"Come with me, I'll take you to my house and you cans shower and get some new clothes." she says.

I nod and slowly stand up and I follow her out of the alley and onto the sidewalk.

She takes me to a decent sized house and leads me inside.

"The bathroom is the third door on the left." she says pointing down the hallway, "I'll find you something new to wear."

And with that she walks the other way.

I make my way to the bathroom and close the door before undressing and getting into the shower.

I turn on the water and it's nice and warm against my cold skin.

I hear a knock at the door and then it opens.

"I found you some new clothes." she says, "How's the shower?"

I still keep quiet and the curtain moves a bit.

She quickly pop her head into the shower, "Okay good you're fine." she says and pops her head out.

"You're safe here. No one is going to hurt you." she says.

I turn off the water and peak out of the shower for a towel.

"Here" she says and hands me a towel.

I wrap the towel around me and get out of the shower.

I look over at the girl and she's blushing a bit.

I look at the clothes and hold them up to me.

They look like they'll fit.

I dry off quickly the girl still in the bathroom with me.

I put on the clothes and dry off my hair.

"Perfect! They do fit." she says and grabs my hand.

She leads me out of the bathroom and into a bedroom.

She sits me down on a bed and she sits across from me on a chair.

"So, My name's Charlie. What about you?" she asks.

I guess it would be rude for me to stay silent.

"It's Y/n." I say looking down.

"They talk!" she says with a giggle, "Well nice to meet you Y/n."

"Thank you." I say, "For helping me."

"Of course, but why were there in the first place?" she asks.

I keep my head down, "A fire..." I begin to say, "It was in an apartment. My parents sent me out the window."

"Oh... I'm sorry." she says, "You can stay here if you want."

I look up at her, "Really?!" I say surprised.

"Yeah, you can stay in my room till we can get a guest room ready." she says with a smile.

"Thank you so much Charlie!" I say and hug her quickly.

She hugs back and blushes, "No problem Y/n."

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