Withered Bonnie x Frightened! Reader (Part 3)

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(I'm finally getting around to this. I'm sorry it took so long, but it was near the bottom of the list of requests.)

Y/n Pov:

I had to make some adjustments at home.

But it wasn't that hard. Anything to make Bonnie feel comfortable.

It helps him not act out... He gets pretty scary when that happens.

It's a new thing, but we manage.

I knock on his door and walk into his room.

"Bonnie? I have dinner." I say and set a plate of food on his desk.

"T-T-Thank you-u." he says and sits on the end of his bed.

I kiss Bonnie on the head and then sit by him.

He picks me up and sets me on his lap holding me close.

"Everything okay?" I ask looking up at him.

He slowly nods, "Just a b-b-bad memory..." he says.

I hug him, "It's okay. It's all in the past now." I say.

He picks me up and lays down with me on top of him.

I just lay there knowing it makes him happy just to have me around.

He puts his arms over me and holds me.. Kinda tight.

He grip just keeps getting tighter and tighter.

Oh no... Is he acting out again?

"B-Bonnie, it's a little tight... Can you loosen up a bit?" I say my chest feeling tight.

He doesn't and just grips tighter, "N-No... Be w-w-with m-me.." he says but stops and he lets go of me.

I quickly sit up and move next to him.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry." he says his tone sad and regretful.

"It's okay. You can't control it and I'm fine." I say and kiss his head before rubbing it.

"B-But I could o-o-of hurt y-you." he says.

"But you didn't don't worry about it right now. Eat and you'll feel better." I say and leave the room.

I go to the garage and test out the new voice box I've been working on for Bonnie.

I also add some touch up to the new face.

I hope he'll like them. They may help with him acting out as well.

Fewer wires will be hanging out.

I gather everything and walk back to his room.

I walk in and hide the things behind my back.

"Feelings better?" I ask with a smile.

Bonnie nods, "Y-Yeah... W-W-What do y-you have-e-e?" he asks pointing to my hand behind me.

I pull out the voice box and face plate.

"For you! Do you like them?" I ask handing him the face plate.

He stares at it, "I... L-L-Love it.." he says and then looks at the voice box.

"Let me put the voice box in I say reaching her his chest plate.

He nods and allows me to open it.

"Just stay calm, It'll be quick." I say removing his old one and then hooking the new one up.

"Try to say something." I say looking at him.

"H-H-Hey..." he says and waits a few seconds, "That is much better."

I close his chest and jump up and down, "It works!" I say with excitement.

"Now let's get this face plate on." I say carefully attaching all the wires.

I step back and watch Bonnie move his jaw up and down.

"Feels great Y/n." he says and stands up hugging me.

"The eyes will be here in a few weeks." I say with a smile.

"You're too kind to me." he says and lays down with me on his chest again.

"Anything for you Bonnie." I say, "I care for you a lot."

"Then... Will you be mine? Forever and ever?" he asks nervously.

I look at him with a slight blush, "Of course!" I say and hug him tightly.

He hugs back softly and we end up falling asleep together.

(Kinda long, but I wanted to bring this to a close.)

(At least now you guys have part 3)

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