Mike Schmidt x Reader

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Mike Pov:

I was sitting in the office waiting for the next interview.

The persons name was Y/n and they haven't had any security experience.

But I need to interview everyone.

I hear a knock at the door, "Come in." I say and watch a h/l h/c girl/boy walk in.

"You must be Y/n. I'm Mike." I say.

"Nice to meet you Mike." Y/n says and stands in front of the desk.

"Now why do you want the night guard job?" I ask.

It's the best paying job I could find." They say and laugh nervously.

Damn... Their laugh was kinda cute.

"That's the reason I took the job too." I say with a small chuckle.

"What working experience do you have?" I ask.

"I was a night janitor at a cafe.... They fired me." Y/n says.

"Why did they fire you?" I ask.

"I didn't mop up the floor well enough." they say and rub their neck nervously.

They're cute like this. Wonder if they could get any cuter.

I quickly shake the thoughts from my head.

"You're hired." I say without thinking.

"Really?!" Y/n says surprised.

"Yep, be here a little before 12am for your shift with me." I say.

"Okay! Thank you so much!" They say and leave.

Dammit, why did I hire them so fast?

Let's hope this isn't a mistake.

My thoughts start to wonder back to Y/n.

God... They were so happy that I hired them.

It was cute. I wonder if their single...

I grab their file and look through it.

No sigh of them being with someone.

Maybe I should pick them up and take them to work...

Yeah. I'll do that.

Y/n Pov:

I walk into my house so excited.

I actually got the job! And that fast!

I can't blow it! I'll make sure to show up on time! And work hard.

I go through my closet and pick out f/c button up shirt and black jeans.

"I'll have to ask Mike when I get a uniform." I say to myself.

I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I'll have to do something with this hair.

I grab a comb and comb out my h/l h/c hair.

After one last look in the mirror I decided I looked good enough.

I hear a knock at my door.

I look at the clock, "Who could be here this late." I say to myself and walk downstairs.

I walk to the door and open it to see.... Mike?

"Hey Y/n." Mike says with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I thought I would give you a ride to work." Mike said nervously.

I look behind Mike and see a motorcycle.

"Okay! Let me grab my helmet." I say and quickly grab my helmet before walking outside.

Mike gets on his motorcycle and I put on my helmet before getting on.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yep!" I say and  nod.

Mike starts up the motorcycle and soon we're on the road.

I couldn't remember the last time I was on a motorcycle.

Who knew my coworker would be so damn cool.

Just something else to like about him.

We make it to the place and Mike parks.

We get off and walk inside.

Mike shows me to where the security office is.

"There's only one chair..." I say and look at the dirty floor.

"Oh... The new chair didn't arrive yet.." Mike says.

"I guess I'll stand." I say.

"Or.... You could... Sit on my lap..." Mike says and blushes.

I blush slightly and thought for a moment.

It's either standing for six hours or sitting on someones lap.

"Okay, That works." I say with a smile still blushing.

Mike blushes more and turns on the cameras before sitting down.

I then sit down on Mike's lap.

It was actually more comfortable than I thought.

I would go through the cameras and Mike would show me what to look for, when to close doors, and how to save power.

~Six Hours Later~

We hear the alarm go off and I look at the time.

"6am already?!" I say and stands up.

"Time flies when you're having fun." Mike says, "I mean if you did have fun."

"It was great, I didn't hurt you or anything right?" I ask.

"Nope all good." Mike says.

"I'll see you tonight I guess." I say and start to walk out.

"See ya soon Y/n." Mike says.

~The chair never did arrive~

(Wow... This one was kinda long)

(Still doing requests. Ask for anything I don't judge. This book is now a judgement free zone or book or whatever! UwU)

(I can't stop thanking you guys enough for all the reads and votes and omg I love reading the comments a lot of them if not all of them make me smile and laugh)

(love you guys <3)

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