Orville x Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I'm walking downtown looking for a place to eat.

I walk past a pizzeria, "Pizza sounds nice." I say to myself and walk in.

There aren't many people here, but it looks more like a place for kids.

Most kids are still in school. This place probably gets busy during after school hours.

I take a seat at one of the small empty tables.

I look around and something orange catches my eye.

I get up and walk over to where I saw it.

I look down the hallway and I see a glimpse of it again.

"Hello?" I call out and follow it.

I get a better look at it as it walks into a room.

What could be so bright orange and so tall?

I walk into the room and see what it is.

It's a tall, orange, elephant. Made out of metal.

"Umm... hi." I say a little confused.

"Oh hello. I didn't think you would actually follow me back here." it says.

"Oh? You were trying to get my attention?" I ask.

"Yes, my names Orville." he says with a smile.

"I'm Y/n." I say and smile back, "But why?"

"When I say you, I thought you looked really cute." he begins to say, "but I didn't want to talk to you out in the open."

"Oh, well thank you." I say and blush a little, "You're actually not bad yourself."

I mean he really isn't, for a animatronic he's pretty cute.

"Thank you Y/n." he says and grabs my hand.

He starts leading me somewhere.

"Orville, where are we going?" I ask.

"To the roof." he says and opens a door with a ladder inside.

"Come on." he says and lets go of  my hand and starts climbing.

I follow him up and look around.

"Wow, the view is great up here." I say with a smile.

"I thought you might like it. Most people do." he says and sits patting the spot next to him.

I sit down next to him and look out onto the street.

It looks so different from up here.

Orville wraps his trunk around me and I smile.

"Do you come up here often?" I ask.

"Yeah, usually before the rush happens." he says.

"It sure is nice and peaceful." I say.

"Yeah, helps me get ready for all the crazy kids." he says.

I lay my head on his shoulder, "Yeah"

"We should probably get back inside though." I say, "School will be out soon."

Orville nods and we make our way back inside.

I smile at him, "I should get going before my parents start to worry." I say.

"Will you come back tomorrow? Same time?" he asks holding my hands.

I blush and smile, "Of course." I say and kiss his cheek before leaving.

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