Female! Foxy x Autistic! Male! Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I was working the night shift, trying to stay alive.

I had Bonnie at the left door and Chica at the right door.

My battery was really low and it's only 2am. I'm done for!

I begin to panic as the battery gets lower and they won't leave the doors.

I check the cameras one last time and see foxy starting to come out.

I now just look at the clock as it turns 3am, "Maybe I still have a chance." as I say that the doors open and the lights go out.

"Or... not" I quickly get under the desk and hope that none of them come to the office.

Not soon after I hear footsteps walking down to the office.

This is it for me! Who is it gonna be?!

I hear the foot steps walk into the office and I see a red tail.

I hold my breath and hope that she just leaves.

The tail slowly disappears out of view and I let out a sigh of relief.

But then I see a face staring at me! It was foxy, she was just looking at me.

I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything but stare back.

She would begin to frown slightly.

Foxy Pov:

I would begin to frown at how scared the young lad looked.

"Heya lad, I didn't mean to scare ya." I say with a smile.

He would seem to calm down a bit after I said that.

"What's ya name lad?" I ask.

"Y-Y-y/n" he says sounding a bit scared still.

"Well why don't ya come out Y/n?" I say standing up and holding out my hand for him.

He would grab my hand and I would help him out from under the desk.

"Ain't that better Y/n lad?" I say smiling.

He would slowly nod, "Y-yes" he would say.

"What shall we do before the night ends Y/n?" I ask.

Y/n just shrugs, "I..I don't know." he says.

"How about we head back to pirates cove Y/n lad?" I say.

He nods and smiles, "Sure"

"Great! Follow me Lad!" I grabbed his hand and we walked over to pirates cove.

Y/n Pov:

We made it to pirates cove, but I was still a little nervous.

Foxy lead me inside and it looked quite cozy.

There was a small couch, table, and bed.

"Since they closed Pirates Cove I've made it more homey." she says smiling.

"It's very nice" I say.

"Come sit on the couch!" she said sitting down.

I slowly walk over and take a sear next to her.

She's quite nice for an animatronic.

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" she asks.

I slowly shake my head, "N-no, I'm fine." I say with a small smile.

Me and Foxy began talking and hours went by, but it only felt like minutes.

"A-and that's when I got t-this job." I finish only to see Foxy laying on my shoulder asleep.

I smile at her as I check my watch. It was 6:03am.

I didn't want to wake her so I didn't move. It isn't like they're notice I'm gone.

I kiss Foxy on the head and close my eyes.

(Hope you enjoy. It was a bit rushed since I needed to post and I've been sick. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and update more)

(Later Peeps <3)

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